Gnomi Malone

This. Or if it's a big purse and you have an empty seat next to you, zip that bitch shut and strap it in with a seatbelt. Jesus christ, so many solutions other than "smugly plop your handbag onto a seat then complain about the flight attendants who are there to protect passengers and keep everyone safe."

It would result in extra costs for tickets plus people don't like paying for a whole seat for an infant and would choose to stay home vs flying more often, that is true. And that's the only reason airlines haven't pushed for mandatory restraints for all passengers. They're squeaking by with some profit by allowing

What the fuck, that is not a victory for females or business travelers or anyone except for maybe derps who love playing purse roulette when it comes to dangerous projectiles slamming into someone's head when the plane drops.

Seriously, go get that purse and have someone throw it at your face as hard as they can, then

I agree, those parents are some power-tripping bureaucratic assholes. Common sense = putting your child into a safety restraint seat because your human arms won't do shit to protect them on an airplane when you hit turbulence or have a takeoff/landing emergency.

Do these parents carry their kid in their arms as they

Maybe, but why? And look at those tabs... what is going on with the IJK part of the dividers? The rest of the letters are in order but 'I' is missing and the next one says 'KJ', I don't think that's how the alphabet goes.

Came here for a fluffy New Years Resolution list, not Marilyn Monroe's Voynich Manuscript and

but that license plate number is beautifully clear and posting it online was a wonderful idea.

If people in those critical jobs can't plan ahead for one or two shifts a year and pack a meal or a freaking lunchable, maybe a couple snacks or protein shakes, make do with some vending machine food or straight up skip dinner in a worst case scenario, they should probably just quit. Their job, their life, the burden

Did you even bother to read the actual study referenced in that telegraph link, or just skim the article for highlights? Because even the brief synopsis from the authors of the study (which would have taken you about 10 seconds to read and interpret) clearly refutes your points and lends credence to your opponents

Right?? That's why I mentioned her age adding a whole extra layer of weird. Totally agree with everything you said.

Reminds me of Wilson. A dick Wilson.

Anyone else here read that "Draw an Anatomically Correct Penis" article today and learn the word 'meatus'?

Because I've only known about 'meatus' for ~3 hours and it's already at the top of my list of words that should be banned.

Oh nooooo, I speak french but still pronounce "forte" as "fortay". Never realized this until just now and am ashamed.

I blame my first ever boyfriend* (we were 11 and held hands in the lunchroom so it was super legit)- his last name was Forte and he pronounced it "fortay". His brother was a sort of famous NFL player

Now playing

Saw this a month ago in a thread where people were posting (actual) videos of police being jerks and it made me laugh for like 10 minutes straight. Wrestling drama is hilarious. Watched the whole thing like a dozen times, then watched the back somersault at 1:48 about 30 more times. Never thought I'd get the chance to

Totally understand why you died when she got her new space boobs. That picture of old school Courtney makes me want to hang myself with a clear bra strap in solidarity.

Everyone please kiss my gravestone with pale peach frosted lip gloss.

In November I had a dude who wanted us to engrave "Cartier" inside a cheap, plated ring he'd picked up at a flea market. He wanted to fool his girlfriend.

I got you. The article here didn't mention her age so I figured I'd throw that out there (because it's a whole 'nother layer of weirdness considering how old 12 year olds can seem these days) and also add a gif for some cheap laughs. My apologies.

The kid in question was 12, I hope she's not showing up at kindergarten the next day to tell any stories.

It's true. Ever been to Sweden, Germany or any other European countries that have banned spanking (some for decades)? It's horrible. Parents there are completely powerless and have lost all control of the children- angry 7 year olds rule those nations. They roam the streets in adorable packs, striking fear in the

Moving laterally is a bummer. But on the bright side- people who eat crab on New Years will molt halfway through the year and enjoy several months of fabulously soft, fresh looking skin.

Oh man, by "crying" cats I assumed you meant actual sobbing kitties with big tears rolling out of their eyes.

Because if you see a cat doing that shit on New Years Day, don't avoid it. Run towards it and take as many pics as possible then show them to an unbiased 3rd party to find out whether or not you are tripping