Gnomi Malone

Psshhh like you never wake at 3am in a cold sweat, your heart racing, terrified that perhaps earlier in the day a random teenager might have seen you somewhere and thought you were kind of uncool.

Does that not keep you up at night, adults?!

Appreciate the response! To clarify, I was thinking of guys who still sit with their legs apart but close-ish together (not touching at the knees or crossed anywhere). And their outside thighs/knees are almost perpendicular to the seat edge instead of making extreme acute angles. Posted a couple pictures down thread.


Got kinja'd before I could finish my edit at the end. It was supposed to say "pilots also fly all day everyday without splaying. That's all the input I could get from the guy next to me on this topic but it sounded like the end of the conversation for him. Take from that what you will?"

Went with those examples because I was thinking of times when your legs would not be hidden by a desk and you probably wouldn't be sitting for maximum comfort because it is inappropriate for the situation. Not pressing your knees together, just keeping your shit closer like so:

Serious question since we are talking balls here and I'd like input from guys- how do old men pull off the crossed leg thing so easily? I honestly thought that as men aged their balls started to, you know, droop a little and it seems like it would be even more of an issue for them. But I see dapper gents in the park

Well, you'd still be showing some restraint with that. Tooooo much rage might be picking up the backpack at the next stop and throwing it outside onto the tracks just before the doors slide shut and the train rolls away.

Passive aggressive rage option: discreetly tape a FREE BACKPACK sign on it, stifle your laughter

Then how are men able to do it in other scenarios? I see dudes sitting in church for hours every week without splaying, or men sitting straight and politely in a chair during long job interviews and they seem to manage fine. Hardly any of them have tears streaming down their faces from the pain of their crushed nuts.

Ewww even if you ask them to move and they immediately comply, you will still be sitting down on some fresh muddy bootprints. Jerks.

That guy who reserved an entire seat for his backpack makes me wanna stand right next to him and place a *fake*, hysterical sounding call to transit authorities to loudly report an

Sleep Gym would be my jam. Could we combine that with a service that will dress me up in tabbed clothes like a paper doll? And also shave me if they pick tank tops or shorts or a swimsuit for my Sleep Gym sesh, then redo my hair and makeup before I wake up?

Damn, I think I'm like one winning lottery ticket away from

Parents can still do it! Well strength training anyway, haven't figured out how to do cardio silently in my house. Requires getting up even earlier a few days a week before the kids, so you have to weigh the pros of some exercise vs the cons of less sleep... sleep wins a lot for me.

If exercise wins, I'm usually

Oh for real? I need to watch it again more closely, saw 3 rope lines flapping around in that blur so I assumed the reins were knotted and looped over the saddle and she was holding a lead. What kind of reins are those?? Mecate? Is that common for rented trail horses?

(so many questions, sorry. horse chat gets me

Same, this site is awesome. And the old cover art is killing me. I vaguely remember seeing some of them in the early 90's and thinking "I can't wait until I'm a teenager and look like those Sweet Valley High Schoolers, they're so grown up"

Uhhh still waiting. In hindsight, everyone at Sweet Valley High was ~40 years

Hahaha, just posted about that. And I'm so glad you spelled it "Spyder"*. I swear that was how it was spelled in the books but google keeps saying it was a "Fiat Spider".

Also apparently now it is a Jeep Wrangler and they are a perfect size 4? I can't relate to that.

*hey no fair, you edited! Fiat Spyder for lyfe!

What? I can't hear you over the sound of wind rushing past my head in this shiny red Fiat Spider!

Do you relate to them because you are slim, five foot six, with shoulder-length sun-streaked blond hair, flashing blue-green eyes, perfect skin and a tiny dimple in your left cheek?

Seriously, I thought Jessica was going to turn her life around and stop being a psycho after The Christmas Ghost came to her and that magical unicorn showed her a lonely future where not even her sister liked her. Apparently I should have kept reading past their middle school years.

Or maybe not. 25 years and Todd is

I wonder whether he was going to photoshop that lead rope out of the pictures (if this incident hadn't occurred and they got some normal shots). I hope not.

Nothing says YOLO like a bride white-knuckling the saddle horn atop a horse on a lead rope.

Yeah, this. What kind of handler misses that kind of body language on a horse and says "Hey don't worry about it, this is perfectly safe- just mount this guy from the wrong side then fluff your dress up and around the horse's rear, that'll keep him calm for sure. And tell that woman holding your bouquet to stand in

Option 3: Start working at home for Google! It's by-far the best job you will ever have and you will always be the only/biggest dick in the room! Google will pay you like $7000 a week to be a dick! Everyone already hates you anyway, might as well be rich!


Look to the cookie, Alcon, look to the cookie.