Gnomi Malone

Soooo once a week 12-15 black guys come to the bar? Guessing that means the other 6 days a week there are approximately zero non-white people present. Otherwise they def would have mentioned them along with an estimate of how many there are plus the name of at least one regular patron to show how tight they are with

I figured it was more like:

"His name?"

Sorry, got kinja'd with the multiple posts :/

I kind of want to make them watch a video of me showering because it would really be more of a punishment than anything else. Clockwork Orange style, so they can't look away.

By all means, please peep me: squatting and aiming water at my junk to rid my body of large period blood clots, snot rocketing streams of

Thanks for the link and tip! Sent an email, too. Been having the same issue with replies not showing up and feel badly because people probably think I'm dismissing their comments. Also, if I click the Show More Replies in Thread link, it reloads the whole page filtered under random commenters' names. Kiiiinjaaaaaa!

Cranes are legitimately my only phobia, and posts like this don't make me feel any better. It sounds rickety as hell and like all sorts of things could go wrong.

*huddles in corner of room, pushes laptop away with a foot*

Yeesh. As a cop (and I like to think of myself as a decent person), I would also prefer that it be a cop who died trying to save 20 people instead of an innocent hostage being killed after spending the last 16 hours of their life in sheer terror. We are prepared and trained for it, we have an element of control in the

Plus midwesternperson is not saying "It would be great if a cop was killed. Yay, FTP! Kill all cops!"

That would be messed up.

Yeesh. As a cop (and I like to think of myself as a decent person), I would also prefer that it be a cop who died trying to save 20 people instead of an innocent hostage being killed after spending the last 16 hours of their life in sheer terror. We are prepared and trained for it, we have an element of control in the

Now playing

Monkeys everywhere are thirsty little criminals:

A monkey in Gibraltar stole my sunglasses >:(

A monkey in Gibraltar stole my sunglasses >:(
Wasn't trying to take a picture with it or anything, it just hopped over and thieved the sunglasses from my head then ran away.

Never trust a monkey.

We should be glad he didn't do it in Paris. Could have gone a lot worse.

I'm pretending that all these posts are being written by the 3 gleeful girls in the background texting on their phones.

(this is not a caption, just a remark)

Seriously, this. I get wicked gross in the shower and even worse during rushed Navy Showers (aka combat shower/sea showers where you turn the water on, get wet, turn off the water and lather up, then rinse off all in under 2 minutes). Today I was trying to scrub my face with one hand while rinsing my hair with the

The 'Till People Are Free' song, motherfucker, do you sing it?!

I hate singing and hearing other people warbling a capella makes my eyes water in vicarious embarrassment. But if SLJ asks you to sing, you have to sing.

*nerdy fist bump*

I think this is the equivalent of Gawkers getting mad about that LOTR parody on SNL being inaccurate.

Christ, was really hoping you would say 1972 or like 1996 at the worst. Not too familiar with Rangers, had to look them up- apparently spring 2015 is the first time they will accept women into their program and that is only in an advisory/observer capacity or something? That's a nice baby step I guess but still...


What year was this??

I'm so sorry that happened to you, and you are definitely not alone.

They gather the data via different methods and it is not included in DoD reports (only Homeland Security?) but I believe the Coast Guard stats fall between the Army and Air Force for overall percents of sexual assaults, but they have a higher ratio