What about the opposite- a friend who freaks out when you are anything less than kind/supportive and can't handle criticism (either perceived or real) so you're always walking on eggshells around them or handling them with kid gloves? Maybe that counts as an "always on" type of friendship since you can't be real with…
This exists! I'll post a link below. It's called SheTaxi (or SheRides in NYC). There is some debate over the legalities regarding discrimination based on gender, but sounds like they might find a loophole and work it out. Interestingly, having women passengers also makes the female drivers feel safer because being a…
Hahaha that first picture... No wonder he wasn't able to walk up those stairs by himself. He's got little E.T. legs.
2. Denim is the carefully calculated costume of people eager to communicate indifference to appearances.
A lot of the knock off stuff has ties to organized crime. It is good police work. White collar crime isn't any less of a crime. Not every police officer is a vice/homicide/beat cop.
Don't really see how they were "making fun" of Crips by doing this, what exactly is the joke?
Haha ok, that makes sense. Honestly didn't know if you were joking or not, plus it seems like half the time when I post a link (just in case someone really does want info), people chastise me for "feeding the trolls". Gah!
Erm, no. I'm gonna go ahead and say people dressing up as 1920's gangsters for a party is not as offensive as white frat boys throwing a Crip themed party. I think most people would agree because they can grasp things like nuance and social context.
But hey- don't let that stop you from throwing, say, a PEN1 themed…
Of course. Yours didn't?!
She would probably again point to the retroflex/retroverted/tilted uterus as the reason why they couldn't hear the heartbeat. It does make it hard to hear the heartbeat in the first trimester (or about 15 weeks in my case but the doctors had confirmed that I had a hidey uterus and did lots of bloodwork and…
Drats, always hoping to find more LV jezzies. Oh well, I'm still excited about our mutual Coco spottings!
I can help keep your dream alive- no fancy hair but she does wear makeup and bright lipstick at the gym, has the tiniest gym outfits ever (lots of pink and red, booty shorts and sports bras as tops) and at least one wardrobe malfunctiony tank top... if you know what I mean. Pretty much everything you would expect of…
You live in Las Vegas?? She goes to my gym and I'm inordinately excited to be able to bond over Coco sightings with someone else on here.
Seriously. This. You know what embarrasses me infinitely more as an American than the CIA releasing some information? THE TORTURING PART.
If stuff like this wasn't made public, a lot more Americans would genuinely be all "Why do other people hate us?" Because those Americans wouldn't know anything THE FUCKING TORTURE.
Holy shit, the dude at 2:20- "I don't wanna know about it. I think people do nasty things in the dark, especially after a terrorist attack."
"I don't wanna know about it"
"I don't wanna know about it"
I think I see the problem here, guys. People on "the news" just don't wanna, like, know about things.
How old is the kid in that image? Judging by the hands, I'm going with around 3 years old. That's a Ouija session I'd like to sit in on.
"What is your name, ghostie? Q...P...O...E... Oh, the ghost's name is Elsa! And um, D...A...B...C...3...M...Q... That spells 'candy'! The Elsa ghost wants you to give me 3…
Just checked the Uniform Code of Military Justice and it states that "filming broads in the shower is totes OK as long as you keep the tape in your bunk or give the video to your bros without accepting any monetary compensation for distribution of said film".
Come on now, the unorthodox part was ALL OF IT.
I hear you, but it's kind of more of a blatant disregard of women in general. Not really related to their station or rank. If it was enlisted women being creeped on by a male O-6, the situation would be just as appalling.