Gnomi Malone
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Haaahaha I have a friend like this, she gets nervous and just starts babbling. I was in the car when she was stopped by a traffic cop once, I told her not to say anything and let the officer tell her why he pulled her over. As soon as he got to the window, before he even opened his mouth, she turned into Jim Carrey

Peter Moskos, a Harvard- trained sociologist who became a cop in Baltimore to investigate policing issues, has some interesting insight into this. Most people (not all, obviously there are some sociopaths and rotten human beings who want to be cops) don't join the force with screwed up ethics or motivation, the

Yep, they're awful. Consistently discourage people who want to become police officers, extremely rude to anyone who asks a question, very sexist towards women (whether the women are also cops or not). And a lot of their responses are just plain wrong. It's shame that website is so popular/easy to stumble across,

I have found Muay Thai to be useful in my late teens/early 20s!

(and I realize how sad it is that anyone ever *needs* to use Muay Thai in real life)

I know which website you are talking about, I remember reading that exact post and being disgusted. I'm a member of another (small) police messaging site and "What do you think about That One Website and their Ask A Cop section?" came up. Everyone agreed that the Ask A Cop site is the Stormfront of police boards and


I wish the 500,000+ people who voted for Arpaio and say stuff like this in real life were just trolling, too.

None. Because white = American citizen, obviously. Joe quote time!

Sure, but in this case it was both.

If you're still confused about why it was racist... I don't what else to say.

No, his profiling was straight up racist and that's why it is infamous.

Agreed. The conflict of interest is important. Not even just for hate groups, but even for things like being a member of the Pennsylvania Pub & Bar Owners Against Following Liquor Taxes. Obviously someone who owns a bar and actively supports not following booze related laws shouldn't be working as a Liquor Control

I think he was really arrested for the dastardly crime of resisting arrest with violence. Call me a paranoid lunatic but I think a drunk dude (who has already shown pretty poor judgment) with a swiss army knife can do a lot of damage, and I'm going to continue to remove swiss army knives from intoxicated people during

Haaaa, that's hilarious

Oooh I have a Steve Martin story! I met him when I was about 9 years old, he was signing an autograph for my aunt and asked if I wanted one also. I proudly said "I already have your autograph! You gave it to my dad and he gave it to me because I like listening to your records. It says 'Best Fishes' and I put it on my

I read the article and your comment then thought to myself "What is wrong with these people? It's always dark at 4:30. Why are they waking up that early anyway?"

So you might be boring and terrible but at least you're not very stupid.


I like the last few seconds when the dog looks back at the cone like "Can I eat that? I think I can eat that."

Photos taken in rooms with lots of reflective surfaces make me nervous. So many ways that could go wrong. Like teakettles on eBay where you can see the camera and some dude's balls in the reflection.

Never instagram pictures that you have taken while naked and in the vicinity of shiny metal objects.


I feel less alone.

Not serious.

And look at those asymmetrically colored irises in that pic. All blue and brown and not matchy. Ugh, 2/10 would not bang.