Gnomi Malone

Not a doctor so check that this is OK first obv:
You can make some really tasty and unusual clearish broths (like coconut flavored broth using coconut *water*, not milk, plus duck bones) if you cook it all together and strain out the solids. Like this, without the dumplings and whatnot:

Dude. No. No, dude.

NOOOOooooooooooo! Constantly hungry with bonus extreme laxative effect?! I do not want that, I want the opposite of that.

I want a diet that will keep me full and give me little rabbit poop pellets maybe once a week. Tops.

No way- Target does. All bright overhead fluorescents and warped mirrors. Plus the one near me is always really hot, the AC never seems to reach the changing rooms, so I get the glorious combo of sweaty red face + reflections that make me look like a squat 300 year old troll. And the air is really dry, so throw some

I thought chain stores weren't allowed to give away free bones any longer because their source and handling wasn't FDA regulated or something. Some weird rules about oversight and needing to charge for them for accountability blah blah, too many people giving them to dogs and dogs getting sick blah blah.

Don't know how

It's a lot of peeing. I'm really glad that was covered because my first question was "how much will I pee?"

Would love to do liquid/soup/protein shakes all the time because they're convenient and I'm lazy and I'd love to be more hydrated. But I'm not able to pee every hour at work, I'd seriously have to wear Depends

Oooof that sounds like poop diet. As in diarrhea for days, not that it would taste like poop.

Maybe also the taste.

A few times I thought I had really bad buttne but it turned out to be razor burn or ingrown hairs.

Because occasionally I start out doing a simple leg/bikini line shave then get distracted, takes me a few minutes to realize my razor has circled around and ended up on my lower back and there is absolutely no reason for

10 years ago I saw a butt. Now I only see a lamp.

I just wanted to post it for nostalgia.


I'm feeling the opposite. Now I'm totally hoping to deliver a baby on my living room floor someday, because that whole thing sounded pretty smooth. Two minutes, a clean towel, *boom* done.

That's not so weird! If we get cleared by Fish & Game to put down a deer or moose and it's not sick or too gross (you can imagine what condition some are in after being hit by a car and exposed to scavenger animals they can't run away from for a couple days, but are still not dead *sob*), we call it in to a group who

Awesome, good for you! If I could, I'd send both you and Awesome Godsend some cheerful flowers and a bottle of celebratory champagne :)

About that jacket- a lot of people have said to forget about it, worth the sacrifice, etc. Just want to add that if you need that back (hey when you are broke, can't afford to buy a

Yessss! I was trying to find this and the gif of her stomping across the road with all the dust billowing around her like smoke. First thing that came to mind.

Can we go on record saying there is also an exception if you have to shoot an animal because someone else hit it with their car 10 hours ago and the animal is slowly dying in a ditch and Fish & Wildlife/the sheriff have given you the go ahead to put it out of its misery?

I don't want to leave them to die in prolonged

Ah, I see where you are coming from now. You are a rabbit rescuer so I totally understand why you feel the way you do about people killing/consuming rabbits- the whole pet vs livestock thing is a disconnect for a lot of people, me included, so I apologize if I seemed callous. I'm a meat eater and have pet carnivores

That's insane. What if you kill an animal that is extremely sick or one that is acting oddly (like a rabid raccoon or a deer with Chronic Wasting Disease)? Don't eat that shit. Let your survivalist gun nut boss have at it and he can report back on whether or not he develops a prion disease in 10 years.

I want to add that I'm speculating because the article didn't describe the device, my reply is based on what I've seen in person with rabbits killed on small farms. I'm more familiar with chickens, dunno if there is a rabbit equivalent to chicken-killing cones or something.

Also, I'm not a weird blood-thirsty

Warning: Graphic.

A restraining device, probably a vise-like thing, that stretches the rabbit and holds it in place more securely than a dowel/broomstick while you break its neck and would be less jarring for the students because it reduces the animal's struggling. There is evidence that these kind of restraints are

Rabbits and lambs ;_;