Gnomi Malone

Agreed. This was a biology class, the students are teenagers not little kids, they were allowed to excuse themselves from the class, and the teacher raises animals for consumption so he probably knew what he was doing. Maybe the result was some students decided they didn't want to eat meat any longer, maybe some

Creating Sims that look like people you know and forcing them to flirt is seriously weird.

Putting peer lookalike Sims in the pool then removing the steps so they swim around and around for hours until they die and you get to admire the tiny digital poolside tombstone with their name on it is the best option for us

aw hell yeah

There used to be more of an issue with degradation or not having enough material for testing, which would have given reasonable doubt as to the test's accuracy. And chain of custody/contamination BS, don't even get me started. But with advances in DNA identification and proper storage I don't think "it's expired!"

Interesting that you say that! After talking about martial artists, I got to wondering if this is common in lots of athletes. Then I remembered how insecure some football players and gymnasts are and narrowed it down to further to people who engage in certain non-competitive physical activities with greater intrinsic

I remember reading a study back in college psych/sociology days about people in certain martial arts* having higher than average self-esteem and very positive feelings about their bodies, regardless of how they looked in comparison to the conventional weight/height/age/beauty standards in their respective societies.

That's why I'm dubious of the claim that all those cats are "very nice". Out of 68 cats, one or two of them are definitely assholes.

Don't even care- I'd adopt an unfriendly one because I like those kind of cats and their "feed me, then fuck off" attitudes. You do you, jerk cats.

If the underlying crime was stealing cars, it would never have even been prosecuted. But because the stuff they talked about was so horrific, people got outraged and base emotions took over.

Seriously. The best reason not to eat people is because they're so gamey. Everyone knows that.


Whether or not they know about Kuru, I think most everyone agrees that we shouldn't eat people.

Also, does anyone know if he gets his job back when he gets out?

Oddly, when I was a blood/tissue donor in the mid 2000s one of the regular questions on the form was "have you had sex with any man who was born in or lived in Africa since 1977?" I checked YES and occasionally they would respond with a "A black African?" Yep. Then they would come back with- "Which country in Africa?

Of course you can. It's called "conspiracy to commit a crime".

Also- he broke the law by misusing a police database, so by no stretch of the imagination is "he literally did nothing" true.

I know bars aren't "essential" but goddamn I was proud to serve my country as a drinkslinger on Thanksgivings past and I'm grateful to everyone who works the bar on a holiday when liquor is sorely needed. I salute thee and tip thee well.

Probably not the point of your photo, but I seriously thought Dr. Phil was holding an old-timey tobacco pipe like he was trying to be some sort of Ye Olde Physician/Detective.

Nope. Not edited at all. It is so bad. Not even bad enough to be funny, just awful.

I'm sad that I can't even regift it as a joke.

Did you receive that tell-all Swan book yet? I saw your comment and tried to read the book because I also love knowing All The Dirt. My god- it is the worst book ever. I mean that literally. The writing, the editing, the story, the format... all of it is the worst.

It's like if someone on Yahoo! Answers asked "wut was

This post is from forever ago, but I just had to say this is hilarious and I love your username SO MUCH.

Fuck her and the step-brother she rode in on.