As I child I never snacked on ice, but I did enjoy listening to Snow the way other people would listen to real music. I eventually grew out of it.
You can work this out if you're married. The main reason we rent houses with more than one bedroom is so we can both sleep hypotenuse-style whenever we want. If one of us wakes up in bed alone, we know it is because the other person is getting their diagonal on in the guest room.
LaToya Jackson has looked the same for decades and no one born after 1950 calls anything "THE war", so I'm having a fun time guessing when and where that picture was taken. Gulf War/Panama in 1990? Kosovo in 1999 ? Last week in Syria? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I'd chew it more often if I wasn't so afraid of dentists hearing the faint crunch of ice and immediately rage-hulking through my wall to scream at me about the dangers of chipped teeth.
Being a mom will be ONE of the multiple facets of who I am, but not the one defining thing.
I just googled "psalm 83" and "what happened 6/6/83", that bottle thing came up first. Cherry-picked and twisted a few things to fit the Satan narrative and voila! Crazyperson logic.
I made the MILF part up.
This is a major concern of mine, that people will confuse one of my other fingers with my middle finger. Or that the finger I'm using has a different meaning to someone and they are interpreting it in a way that I didn't intend.
So I always make sure to yell a hearty "FUCK YOU" for clarity, lest they think I was giving…
I will pray for you.
In Jesus's name, I command you to leave and stop tormenting me with your "facts" and "knowledge"!
Amen. a Satanic ritual?? Don't leave us hanging!
I have reason to believe you are Satan. Let's examine the evidence. Your username is NomNom83. Now check out at Psalm 83 in the bible, a passage regarding the enemies of God. See the line "As fire consumes the forest"? Nom is another word for consume.
Now let's look at the year 1983. One June 6th (6/6, the most…
Heyyyy War Machine wrote in his missive that he's bored in jail and would like to receive more mail. Someone should send him this BINGO card.
Disclaimer: Send it anonymously, because he might try to murder you.
You're welcome. But we should really all be thanking Erin Gloria Ryan for creating this highly accurate gem of a bingo card.
Ideally, this.
But there are some doctors who should not be making these kinds of decisions, either. I've met a couple of very vocal anti-choice MDs who had all around terrible judgment.
Oooh, Time's article claims to be science-based, that's probably got some solid research and facts!
'Mechanical Dickberet'
At a certain point, the fetus can have "rights" without trumping the rights of the woman.