Great. Now I'm going to be staring at people all day and wondering which ones are secretly made out of cake.
Great. Now I'm going to be staring at people all day and wondering which ones are secretly made out of cake.
Yay, thank you that helps a lot! Wrote all those down and made a list for when I go to their store. Excited to try that tinted brow gel, never would have thought to look at those.
My two favorite lip colors are actually Rebel and Girl About Town, they're the only lipsticks of any brand that I bought multiple backups…
My husband thinks one of our dogs "knows" when he needs her. From an outsiders point of view- I can see that she "knows" he is hungover because he smells like stale salty beer and she merely is waiting for him to puke so she can sniff that vomit hard then maybe lick it a little. And until that glorious puke moment,…
Why don't you use MAC? Bad quality or they test on animals or something??
Really appreciate the response. HSN has that Korres mascara and I randomly had store credit at HSN that I'd forgotten about and it was probably never going to be used otherwise, so this worked out perfectly. Woooot!
OK another question- if you had $150 to spend on anything at M.A.C, what would you buy?
Mine often falls on Mother's Day so when I was a child I sometimes had to share my Bday waffles with my mom, but that's not really socially important.
However, I was a nanny for a kid who was born on Sept 11, 2001 and when people heard that date they would always make the "ooooof" wince face. One woman actually said…
THANK YOU. So glad I wasn't the only one who went there.
And I'm angry because "One Week" came out like 15 years ago and that *one line* you posted immediately made me remember the rest of the lyrics. All of them. Apparently that song has been stealthily occupying my brain space for all these years, shouldering out…
It's right in the name. Today is the day to adopt worlds.
Ohhhh yeah. Are people going to start holding up a hand and saying "Brick wall" again? Because I've almost perfected my "bulldozer/free willy!" comebacks.
So true! The writers give him some terrible lines. Combined with his meh acting and deadpan face, it's so bad that it's good.
Tamara Tunie?! Squeeeeee!
(Why are vicarious celebrity run-ins so exciting? I don't know why but they ARE, and I like hearing about them. Everyone tell me about that one time you met that famous person, please)
It is real! They linked it on their facebook page and those flyers are the main images on their Craigslist Lost Pet ad.
Speaking of SVU- Ice T/Detective Tutuola (and Coco, who I guess has also been on Law & Order*) also live in my neighborhood! I see them at the gym all the time but haven't been able to figure out which house they're in. I've tried parking in my driveway and blasting O.G: Original Gangster for 3 hours straight** but it…
Ooh glad you answered Gella's mascara question, because I have the same issue. Hope you don't mind if I ask a little more about one of your answers!
Do those "tube" mascaras tend to snap your lashes off or make them fall out more easily when wearing/removing them than other types? I sometimes fall asleep with mascara…
He was sorta trying to shake her off like she was a moth that had flown onto him.
This is just like that one Edgar Allen Poe story about cats in the wall.
Except for all the murder stuff.
Otherwise, identical. Cats!
Whenever my conviction wavers I'm gonna look at that flyer again.
Yep, insufferable.