Gnomi Malone

I love this question so much. SO MUCH.

Diane Keaton. Robert Downey Jr.

Everyone has very tall stone fences around here and the yards are secluded, if one of my neighbors had a flock of T-Rexs I probably wouldn't know about it.

Actually I'm not sure if most of the properties around me are even occupied by humans or are simply abandoned houses with really dedicated landscapers.

OMG where is Cotton?! I can't find Cotton anywhere in that photo!

Don't try to sneak in little bits of info you know he likes.

Is it Kris Jenner?

What if he googles his name and sees this post?? The jig will be up!

Thanks, that's good advice!

So one of my neighbors is a semi-famous person/athlete/actor and I ran into him outside today, we had a long mundane conversation about neighborly things and the subject of our jobs came up- he totally pretended not to be famous and named a side job as his career. I was already pretending not to know who he was, so

Thank you! Definitely going to check some of those out tonight.

Or one of the Gentlemen.

I hope the ACLU gets involved. There was a similar law passed in Las Vegas in 2006 and a woman was arrested for pulling an Arnold Abbott. ACLU stepped in and spent 4 years getting that law overturned on a federal level. Even the LV police backed the ACLU and got more proactive in helping out instead of criminalizing

This is how I feel. Someone wants to flirt with/throw themselves at my husband? As long as he's not bothered, have at it. He's usually flattered, I feel a wee pang of pride, we are polite, the end. If any onlookers think that the woman is "disrespecting" me by hitting on him... um, whatever? This isn't middle school

Thanks for sharing. I was hoping to read more stories from women who have been on that side of this scenario. Shows that obviously not all "poachers" are predatory, callous jerks (though I'd also be interested in hearing from those people that poach and have no regrets!).

Everyone makes mistakes. You were young and

I know I know... I feel like my brain meat is mushy today from jamming all these new ideas and angles in. Every time I start to focus on one point I have an "oh yeah but what about these people" moment and have to rethink everything, then I get sidetracked.

I'd be terrible on a debate team.

All very true, but I want to point out that I'm talking about arrest and possibly jail being utilized more often instead of looking the other way, more looking the other way on some other things. Better use of discretion, as you said.

Personally, erring on the side of safety for me means keeping a record/paper trail

Relevant. Kim kinda fits the above description of a "poacher" but I can't hate. Figure if a dude is gonna leave me for another woman, I hope it is at least someone badass like her.

You don't think jailing the "kingpins" or large scale drug dealers and distributors will make a difference? Note I said "large scale", as in heads of cartels. Not the kids dealing a few vials, not the person with a pipe and a pinch of weed. I'd be cool with the US going the brown bag route on that.

Well, see first we need to train cops in the art of divination. Perhaps lobby congress for the funds to hire more police psychics to prevent future crimes. I've already made a list in my diary of people I plan to arrest in 2017.

But really what I was saying was that petty crimes sometimes deserve punishment and maybe

I understand that is the case with your brother but drug abuse is not usually the reason why most people commit property crimes (ie burglary, theft, fraud, larceny, vandalism, arson, etc). No one said it was for "shits and giggles" so I don't know where you got that from. Greed, profit, revenge, apathy, stupidity?

You made good points and gave me some things to think about, this kind of discourse is exactly why I like Jezebel commentators.