Gnomi Malone

Because the punishment is not "Go to jail for 1 year, do not pass go" for first time offenders. I think that's a misconception on this topic. Also that burglaries are always done to feed addictions. Addiction is a whole 'nother thing.

I just got off a 12 hour shift so maybe I'm being unclear, I need to rest and

Secondly, we should be taking a long hard look at the use of prison as a punishment in general and, indeed, the concept that we should be "punishing" people at all.

The article specifically mentions "property crime" as one of the major reasons for women being incarcerated. I see property crime and fraud as a definite threat to society. It is also a crime that usually involves aforethought and the perpetrator weighing the punishment against the reward and deciding the punishment

"No threat to society" is a good way of putting it. I like that more than "non-violent". Thanks.

Erm, lots of people have commented on how the focus should be on keeping non-violent people out of prison and giving them the community service option. But I want to point out that non-violent offenders (especially those who commit property crimes or are repeat offenders) cause a lot of damage to society. It's not all

Unless your mom is Geena Davis. Geena Davis just put the wine on a really high shelf where you can't see it, because she's looking out for your health.

It is indeed true. Do you know how many times my (extremely tall) mother would randomly bring up Geena Davis' height is and casually mention that Geena Davis is also a member of MENSA? Dozens of times, maybe over 100 times.

Totally serious.

Movie preview starring Geena Davis? "Hey kids look at that actress, she is

Edit- my point is, let's be realistic about how much of a difference higher salaries would make in the big picture. Not enough.

I imagine you can argue that because you haven't done the research

Word, I feel your angst. They showed us some night-vision raids where you could not see the targets that well but stressed that they always examined the people's height/gait to make sure they were men (not women or children). I was like "Uhhh so tall children or women with manly strides are... out of luck? And we're

So my barista won't be able to wear her big oval mood ring anymore? How am I supposed to know when she is happy/romantic/passionate now?

Some people might think that mood rings are affected by temperature and that the steamed milk contraption makes her ring turn blue, but I know in my heart that the barista is sweet

Never heard them called "union suits" before so I did a google image search and... yeah, they're actually kinda hot.

You win this round.

Longjohn sex through the little button flaps just isn't as titillating.

Also I just asked my husband if he ever sees people banging when he flies drones. "Never. 99% of the time it's people driving, sleeping and peeing outside, the other 1% is military stuff. No sex."

Ugh. Just lie to me or something. I can't jerk off to people driving.

I went to one of the drone HQ Air Force bases last year and they showed us some video clips of what drone pilots watch on an average day. "Bombs Over Baghdad" was playing for maximum HOORAH effect. To demonstrate the amazing accuracy and clarity of what they filmed over Afghanistan/Iraq, they asked us to point at

She looks like Billy Corgan now. Everyone with bleached or shaved eyebrows looks like Billy Corgan to me.

Which is weird, because I just googled him and apparently Billy Corgan actually does have eyebrows. Huh. My world is all topsy-turvy.

Devil In The White City, Heaven's Harlots: 15 years in a sex cult, The Poisoner's Handbook: Murder and the Birth of Forensic Medicine, The Lost City of Z are some good true crime/mystery books. I'm way behind on what's new and popular vs what everyone in the world has already read so these are probably not new or

I want to agree with you but in all honesty, I'm gonna be this guy:

Oooh that book about Hatshepsut sounds interesting. Thanks!

Lots of boring textbooks plus I recently ended a 6 month long kick of reading horribly depressing (though enlightening) books about the Sierra Leone, Congo region, and Rwanda. Decided I should read about some completely different topics, went with Kamikaze Diaries: Reflections of Japanese Student Soldiers and The