Gnomi Malone

Truth. I dropped out halfway through a semester at a community college (never officially withdrew, never did homework or took any exams, just stopped going to class and moved to another state). A few years later I requested my transcripts and found out they still gave me a B and a C in two of my courses.

If I'd left a

Yeahhhh he's watched Catch Me If You Can a few too many times, thinks he can pull a Frank Abignale and get hired by the FBI in a few years.

Sorry buddy, not gonna happen. Plenty of people with his skillsets that didn't break the law over and over and over and repeatedly get caught. He's not even good at whatever he

The best thing on her to-do list: "Call gary shandlin get tape of everything"

I remember reading that 9 years ago and wondering what the story was. I still choose to believe she misspelled 'Garry Shandling' and that they were buddies who used to hang out, have slumber parties, and film themselves doing puppet shows.

Yes, really. In some parts of mid-atlantic region (PA/DE/Baltimore) they actually do say "wooder". It's even mentioned in the article above!

First time I heard that accent I asked the girl speaking if she was from Minnesota or something because it sounded like a Fargo accent that had been dragged through Long Island.

I saw a drunk dude wearing a striped poncho and a tacky sombrero + a gunslinger type belt that held plastic shotglasses trying to hail a taxi.

He dropped/stepped on his hat, stooped to retrieve it and haphazardly placed the crushed sombrero back on his head, then he removed the last empty shotglass from his belt and

Seriously, it makes me sick to think of the people who saw me uncontrollably crying and trembling at the absolute worst time of my life could then turn around and laugh about it.

Ohmyfuckinggod I almost posted the exact story about my day (except it was a running/impact jump surprise pee at work). Did a 60 second sprinting chase then jumped off a low wall, hit the ground and was like "Heh close call, almost peed my pants there... You know how it is, amirite guys? Eh? No one else here what I'm

Haha! I spent a shift with another department today and they kept saying "bad guys", all I could think about was this comment.

There was also an Australian firearms instructor at the precinct (I'm in the US)- he was using "bad guys", "scumbags" and "mungos" interchangeably. I don't even know what it means but if

I'm getting more of a Tim Robbins + Kiefer Sutherland vibe.

Actually I need to go back to his pic and look again, I already forgot what he looked like. Dude has the world's least memorable face and name.

It's almost like people expect police to be held to a higher standard than "guys at a gym". We give them power and authority and guns but don't want them to act like "teenagers at a fast food joint".


Anyone else here dislike kissing? I've never really been into it (other forms of physical affection are fine) and my husband has recently started kissing me like 10 times a day. At really inconvenient times. And it's completely asexual in nature- like a child demanding hugs. I'll be folding laundry or filling out

Austin police start at around 60k their first year (more if they're former military or have a degree or are bi-lingual), with full benefits, and that doesn't include overtime pay and incentives which are substantial. Austin also has one of the better retirement plans.

So I'm going to argue that it's not about pay.

It's not like robbery, where they can recover the stolen goods

Seriously the way they talk ... reminded me of conversations I've overheard in middle school. I'm sure it would be epic bro's. I'm sure you guys would kick so much ass that you'll both get a movie deal and be immortalized as the most badassed badasses that have ever had asses.

Thank you!!! Well done :)
I def had to make up everything at the beginning because I couldn't remember how he found out the teen was missing or exactly how he discovered the body. And I could have sworn they determined that he died of hypothermia after he OD'd or got too drunk in the woods and passed out in the cold,

I agree! It really disturbed me because brains/PTSD do work like that and it doesn't make it any less scary that he touched a dead body then hallucinated a conversation to cope.

Have you ever tried FreshLook Dimension color lenses? They're made for people with lightish eyes who want a little more sparkle or hint of grey/green/blue.

I tried a bunch of contacts like that when I found out they were sold at the shady corner stores where I bought my weave hair and my cereal. Probably not the

Thank you! *curtsy*

I didn't make it up and I'd bet my life that my husband didn't either. He's a reliable relayer of facts with no BS or embellishment, I trust him on this.

This came up in that thread and I looked into jinns (djinns) after it was suggested by a few commenters, but I'm still not clear on what they are. It sounds like what people in the US would call a demon except some jinns grant wishes and that's where the word "genie" came from? Y/N?

Is a jinn more or less scary than a