Gnomi Malone

The somethingawful forums have had a yearly ghost story thread that was consistently terrifying from 2007-2012. Haven't checked in the past couple years, might still be good. They compiled the old stories on another site ( into an online book called Goonbumps (that used to be free,

You're right that private (small) aircraft crash more than large, commercial jetliners. That is absolutely true.

But I'm going to dispute that more celebrities have more access to private or small aircraft and that it makes them more likely to die in one. For one, rich people ≠ celebrities ≠ pop stars. And more

Holy shit.

*watches 7 more times*

Holy shit.

I don't think that's the point. Even if Aaliyah did all the cocaine and personally brought aboard a lead-lined suitcase stuffed with osmium, she didn't cause the plane crash.

So true. Mind blown.

Also, the average age of people who die in plane crashes is like 43 years old; so people who die in plane crashes die much younger than everybody else including those who die younger than everybody else!

The pop music 'scene' fails to provide boundaries and to model and expect acceptable behavior


I only want to creep on the pilots. To make sure they haven't been writing horrible updates every 10 minutes for 28 hours straight or posting pictures of themselves partying and boozing it up when they should have been sleeping and/or meditating on the seriousness of keeping my ass aloft and alive.

I only want to creep on the pilots. To make sure they haven't been writing updates every 10 minutes for 28 hours straight or posting a ton of pictures of themselves partying and boozing it up when they should have been sleeping and/or meditating on the seriousness of keeping my ass aloft and alive.

Looks like one I had from Ikea. Don't remember if this was the exact one but all their down comforters are about the same, give or take some thickness:…

Anxiolytics and behavior modification work for some dogs so maybe? Again, not a vet so I dunno. The spinning thing is really specific to that breed though, if it wasn't a bull terrier I wouldn't have said anything. Megganna posted a good link above about it:…

That puppy looks sad :(

Have not heard their last 2 albums but they were the first "big" band I saw at a show (circa 1999). Soft spot for AFI forever. Weird Davey Havok in mesh shirts 4 lyfe.

Well done. And I respect your #5 choice way more than I should, kinda squealed with glee at that.

I'm sorry for the sads! Here, lookit these puppies and feel happier:

I know. I reread my own post and was like

I hope it is just dumbness or simple dog joy. Not a vet, but bull terriers tend to suffer from a neurologically-based disorder known as "compulsive spinning" and it looks a lot like that when it's not on a bed. So... yeah.

-Ruiner of fun

Thank you so much for getting it.

What's with all the questions? What are you, a fucking Sagittarius?