Gnomi Malone

It's never even used to describe, like, Italian-Americans... or Navajo*, etc. ... *How much more fucking American can you get than that, by the way?

I thought Elaine Benes was hispanic...

Disclaimer- Cops profile the shit out of friendly, polite gentlemen such as yourself, HappyHighwayman. Everyone knows that.


Hey, I'm just doing homework here.

Totally agree that people remember details incorrectly. I only stand by my story because
1)I started telling people about the encounter like 10 seconds after I saw him and always included that clothing description on account of it being so WTF and
2)No one would ever make up a story about seeing an E list Food Network

For a long time I thought the lyrics to Da Rockwilder had a Steve Harvey shoutout.

Uh, I assume if a woman walks up to me and points out a man then voices a complaint, I can follow up by walking over to him and there is no "chasing down" involved. But make it as cinematic as you want in your version. Since it is a violation here to interfere with, annoy, accost or harass any other person or cause a

To be fairer, if men just did the casual nod of "we made eye contact so now I am awkwardly acknowledging your existence then averting my eyes" thing to women as well, this video and article would not exist. No one is complaining about a slight incline of the head.

Also consider the context here. If you're walking down

Well... what was your dad wearing? This is important.

So if it's not against the law it's totally acceptable? Hey, heads up: that is a terrible argument. What makes your point even dumber is that is is against the law in a lot of places (google disorderly conduct).

So yes- if a woman comes to me and says "That man over there just tried to engage me in conversation", she

When they are eye-fucking you or licking their lips while giving said friendly greeting... yeah, it's harassment.

I was seriously going to give the guy at 50 seconds a pass because the street was relatively empty and he sounded genuinely surprised/polite about greeting her, then it was like he realized she wasn't into

Right?! That's why I asked him if it could have been a human hologram weapon. Because that kinda sounds both scary and plausible.

For a while I had random people asking me if I was a porn star named 'Stephanie something'. At first I laughed and was like "No, though I'm flattered that I look like someone you enjoy jerking off to."

But it kept happening and eventually I started to worry that maybe there was a homemade XXX tape out there of me that

Did you read this in the German article about one Dr Eckhart looking at MRIs of a corseted woman?? I just read that and he said pretty much the same thing as you (about the digestion/intestines). Very interesting! Here are 2 pics for everyone. First is of relatively unaffected kidneys and lungs, second is of the

No doubt they took official photos and video but obviously civilians have no access to that. This was around 2007, before everyone had a smartphone, but even if the soldiers had personal smartphones or digital cameras there I don't think they would be allowed to snap pictures because classified stuff.

Oh my god. The bladder is shown no mercy for the entire pregnancy. Had no idea that poor organ got such a raw deal starting at like 5 weeks in.

Wonder if corset girl has to pee a lot too. I know that feels.

Did you mark the "I love you, fans" box in your BINGO? This is important.

Answer for men: it didn't hurt for the 10 minutes I wore one last week, and fun fact! I discovered I could do like double the number of push-ups I normally do. It held my back/core in place so my arm muscles didn't have to work so hard or something.

For a hot second I considered trying to sneak a corset under my

The small version of that photo looks like an Eminem action figure.

I'm uncomfortable with it.