Gnomi Malone

Hey man, I saw Guy Fieri on a plane 5 years ago and can accurately recall exactly what he was wearing. It was a black short-sleeved button down shirt with flames, jeans, and a black messenger bag with GUY FIERI printed on it. True story.

Maybe that doesn't count. Because there is ~95% chance he is also wearing that

I saw that he ended up in a wheelchair but didn't know he started in one. Going to take your word for it because I'm afraid to rewatch the video and see *that ankle* again.

Fuschia Shirt and Cowboy Hat are going on my diary's 2014 HEARTTHROB list.

His bingo card is just one big square that says "Name is War Machine".

The ones without weapons, handcuffs, walkies, badges or training for physical altercations? Yeah, I'm gonna give them a pass for not tackling the crazyperson.

Unless you are a cop or are wearing a cowboy hat, I don't expect you to take down a violent drunk guy in an airport.

Since there were no additional charges of that nature, that tells me the police didn't expect they were high at the time

Yep! Got the toe wiggling tip from a pilot who suffered from airsickness (which amuses me more than it should) and the thumb-in-fist tip from a dentist who has to deal with people gagging/puking on her every day. They seem like reliable sources.

Might be a placebo effect but whatever, it works for me.

Should police officers really be looking at the bra tags of 18-year-olds, or should they go ahead and probably not do that?

It's true! Tucking your thumb into your left fist or wiggling your toes really does work. I use that trick all the time for motion sickness.

By "motion sickness" I mean "blowjobs".

And also motion sickness.

Meth residue that is scraped off a spoon to form a little pile of meth is indeed considered actual drugs. Even if it is only a teeny weeny pile.

If it was marijuana residue this wouldn't be such a big deal for her. But it's meth.

I think she could argue that this falls under the PEMDAS clause of the Constitution.

Don't worry, the driver can still be charged with DUI. Police don't carry a Meth Breathalyzer but they have eyeballs that can see the meth/paraphernalia and immediately arrest someone for that, additional charges can be added later when they get blood test results. Possession of meth is a felony in Oklahoma and she

Never seen the show so I don't even know who Lady Edith is, but this still made me laugh out loud.

Also if you are being pulled over, put the phone under the seat.

Administrative leave is like house arrest while investigations are pending. Firing someone that belongs to a union is a weird and confusing process (to me).

Total lawyer heaven. As of June 2014, police need a warrant to look through an arrestee's cell phone. California fought that law and got smacked down by the Supreme Court so lawyers will be all over this.

If you will please allow me a long-ass post/rant: I disagree that it doesn't come with more health and safety hazards than a lot of jobs. They are doing physically demanding work (ever taken a pole dancing class? it's really hard to climb and spin and turn upside down on those things) wherein they run a substantial

This is a wonderfully written explanation, thank you!!!

I was thinking about it being horrible because the courts could defer all blame at the end to the family for not being merciful, and also not take responsibility for rigging a system where the family might feel uncomfortable or be shunned for showing clemency.


Do statements like this even MEAN anything anymore?

If people aren't going to actually correct the problem with a heavy hand, (or force if necessary) then learn to live with it. saying "hey...please stop, you're being a meanie..."clearly hasn't been cutting it.

To add to the "broken justice system" sentiment, this stuck out to me:

Sounds a lot like what Navajos call "skinwalkers". Creepy. Also here is a random gif that came up when I google image searched "skinwalkers". I'm imagining you in this car and that other thing having antlers. GUH.