That's what I tell people when they make fun of my '89 Toyota Corolla.
They're just jealous 'cause I've been hip as fuck in this car for 15 years now.
That's what I tell people when they make fun of my '89 Toyota Corolla.
They're just jealous 'cause I've been hip as fuck in this car for 15 years now.
Yeah I made a joke on here a while ago about how everyone likes to snort a few lines, get cozy in bed with a book, and take a nice relaxing coke nap (because haha obv that's not how cocaine works). A couple posters were like " it really does that for some people" 0.o
So I'll admit my ignorance. Not an expert.
Because cocaine is awesome? You whippersnappers don't know what you're missing
I didn't mean that literally, I know it's still around and people use it. I live in Las Vegas, hard to miss that guy in the bars- grinding his teeth, talking everyone's ears off, and sweating through his tank top as he zooms to the bathroom for the 10th time in an hour.
My disbelief is more of a "Really people, still…
Word. Early 30s here and I can't believe people still do coke or that it's even still... around. It seems like such an old timey thing to do. Like they might as well be saying they are heading down to the ha'penny sweet shop to buy some hard licorice for all the sense it makes to me.
I'm getting more of an Al Pacino vibe.
Pacino when he started going a little nuts.
You don't even have to be good at embroidery or own a pillow! Throw some puffy paint on a sock and sell that shit on Preserve!
Paris Hilton was seriously my inspiration for trying out higher pitched voices when I started bartending. Not *as high* as her baby voice, but similar, and our normal voices are almost identical except for pace. I have a really low voice and apparently it is the vocal equivalent of a Resting Bitch Face, people always…
Adding this to the list of reasons to dislike Jimmy Johns. The owner of one near us gives discounts to military members (which is cool, whatever) but lately he has progressed to giving anyone in an Armed Forces uniform free meals (insists on it actually) and he stares at them while they eat with a super creepy,…
Haaaahaha, I have some family staying with me and just heard this song clip playing downstairs- immediately knew exactly what my relative was watching. I sauntered past the room and they quickly turned their computer away, muted it, then started nervously babbling about having a newfound interest in classical music…
Seems like a lot of acquaintances are also happy to dish personal details despite the nurse's desire for privacy. Jerks. Courtesy of nytimes and a former co-worker friend who has "corresponded with the nurse":
Same, my grade school in Louisiana completely glossed over slavery. It's not like they thought we were too young to learn about it, they took us on a damn field trip to a sugar plantation so we could experience what it was like for "the people who lived/worked on plantations". I'd read the American Girl books about…
Yes, make it clear. The worst that could happen is they excommunicate you for not being "one of them" (yay!) or get really aggressive with baiting and you will have to debate terrible people for years but you will go to sleep at night knowing you are not complicit in their racism. Maybe you burn bridges but do you…
It's not "Southern", it's not "old people", it's not "Catholic", it's just ignorance and none of those are excuses. Imagine racist grandma is an atheist who grew up in New England- are you responding differently or are you in the same dilemma?
Sidenote: much love for your Dickbutt avatar. I draw that little dude…
Ehhh being old, stern and very Catholic is not an excuse. My husband's uncle, cousins and one of his grandparents were doing the racist shtick and I voiced my dissent: my great grandmother in-law (who is in her late 80s and super Catholic) was extremely impressed and it turned out she has been suffering this crap for…
They have the first 2 seasons of American Horror Story. Throwing that out since it's October and all. It's really helpful to go through suggestions and rate things on Netflix with their star system so things you like will be put on the top and things you hate will be removed from top lists of genres and titles. They…
Yep, was in that exact position when I started teaching (was younger than you are, felt the same way and over 10 years later in a new career I'm having deja vu). It really helps to remember that you're not an other, you're part of the same team as people who have done the job for anywhere from 1-40 years and thinking…
Really?? Maybe I'm an overly harsh critic of my own terrible jokes because I feel like it has about 495 too many stars.
But thank you, glad it made some people laugh! Gonna keep up the bad work.
On Coco Rocha's picture: It's like, how much more beige could this be? And the answer is none. None more beige.