Gnomi Malone

Champagne. You need a bottle of champagne.

This is pretty worthless for people who have never done advanced yoga or had any professional training. I'd find a robotic Twister game-mat more helpful. "Left hand yellow. Right foot red. Good job, perfect pose."

What if someone invented bullets filled with ebola? How would Rush feel about that??Dear god won't someone at Fox News please tell me how to feel about Ebola Guns?!

For every "why do conservatives in the US ________?" question, the answer is pretty much the same:

Oh man, THANK YOU for that Live Science article. For most of my life I was under the impression that syphilis was an old timey disease that had been eradicated in the 20th century like smallpox. When I found out much later (via House MD) that this was not the case and lots of people still get syphilis, I was really

Wish I could take credit but I stole that last line from American Beauty.

I encourage everyone who is eligible to fill out online forms to join random class action lawsuits like this. Because you will forget about it after 10 minutes, but a year from now you will be having a horrible day, then you will go to your mailbox and find a Naked Juice/Red Bull check made out to you in the amount of

Their whole house is devoid of furniture/belongings (other than some soap and wineglasses) so I'm guessing they either haven't moved in yet or they live in the garage surrounded by stacks of old newspaper articles about themselves like weird hermits.

They also stocked the bar with upwards of 10 wineglasses and some bloody mary mix. Seems about right.

I don't think that atheists (minority), muslims (minority) n or any other minority group

Not a doctor but I think the crying is a normal side effect of anesthesia. Happened to me and my sister with totally unrelated surgeries, those nurses also said it was common :)

Oooof no, it's nothing like that. My motives are based purely on selfishness and the ability to travel for free.

I will have the opportunity to visit in a few months. I know very few people who have been there within the last 5 years and most websites are either OMG don't do it you will definitely die!!! or Naw it's totally cool those other sites are lying, I got married there and it was super chill.

Anyone here lived in or visited Pakistan somewhat recently and feel like sharing some stories? Or know of any decent blogs about foreign (particularly American) women's experiences in Pakistan?

And a babysitter. A good, reliable babysitter is worth his or her weight in gold.

I meant that repeating those particular phrases out loud to strangers was awkward, not the actual incidents (those were definitely harassment). I was OK with getting grilled on my employment history because on paper it might look like I have a pattern of being irresponsible/quitting without notice and former employers

While you are waiting for the other suggested methods to work, I suggest using a lit tea candle in a bowl/pan of soapy water. Put that big dish of soapy water in a dark room, light the candle in the center of it, leave it for a few hours. The light attracts fleas and they drown in the soapy water.

Doesn't eradicate

Read your post like 5 times tonight and I keep starting to respond then I remember my collarbone break and go all

I daresay she is flaunting her shoulders.