Gnomi Malone

Quit a few bartending/restaurant jobs in the 15 years and recently had to go over every single incident in detail in front of a review board for my new job. I didn't want to bad mouth former employers (even though they were horrible) so I tried to keep it vague like "it was a racist, hostile work environment and they

Counterpoint: Show them a clip from Clueless. Because even if you have on a white collarless shirt from Fred Segal, you will not pass a test if you don't study for it. Wearing your most capable looking outfit has no bearing on intelligence or scholastic achievement, and schools should be more concerned with that than

Honestly, if I was a student at Devils Lake High, I would definitely take the Pretty Woman clips to heart and start coming to class in dress suits and excessive shoulder pads.

Should have stashed her drugs inside a Fleshlight because no one is going to reach into one of those to check out what is inside.

Ah yes, dark window tint as PC. Last month I was walking outside to our family's new car with a police officer who was helping me carry some boxes, when he saw the car he asked "Have you been pulled over for that tint yet?" I said no- only driven it twice plus had the tint measurement paperwork to prove it was within

Make fun of me if you want, but I believe that love is the answer. I believe that love will find the way.

Your post/photo made want to ugly cry because Munro looks exactly like my Gray Cat (yeah, I ran out of names at one point- eventually Gray Cat became known as Graymoo or Moo) who died of kidney failure and did the same thing in a water bowl. Plus your Groucho & Harpo cats look like healthy versions of my lil'

Guess it's always a risk that someone will take a dislike to you for XY or Z reason. There was a memo at work recently where they warned us about going into a bunch of restaurants in the (police) uniform because of reports about people messing with the food. Not the same situation obv because I can take a uniform off,

Weeeird, never heard of Lil Bub before but I posted earlier today about a foster kitten I had named Humphrey. Humphrey had the same issues with a bad overbite, odd shaped limbs and large head, small sized body and he also had bones that would break easily/for no reason. The vet couldn't tell me what was wrong with him

Brava, madame. Brava.

My first thought upon seeing your photo: "I could probably drink some wine out of that hat".

I think this means Wineghazi has won.

From what I've heard about twin psychic bonds, your sister is feeling queasy right now and doesn't know why. Fact.

Of course. I'm not an animal. Drinking wine straight from the bottle is rude and plastic funnel wine bongs are soooo déclassé.

People always make fun of me for holding my nose when I throw back shots of wine, but whatever. This story, plus the fact that I have never died from wine fumes, proves that my nose plugging method definitely works.

I prefer leashes.

What in the world would I use to clean up kitty's poop?

Apparently it started airing here after NBC Dallas broadcasted the story ~5 hours ago, so I dunno. Ebola has been big news in Vegas all week because 6 days ago there was a nurse "die-in" on the strip to raise Ebola awareness.…

I get it, I get it. But she also had no symptoms of EV68. No fever, respiratory illness, lethargy, etc. Just puked once, cried because some carroty vomit got on her favorite socks, then asked to go to the playground while she waited for me to arrive.

I really appreciate caution in preventing the spread of illness

Well la-di-da, Miss Fancy Ifollowthenews Pants. Some of us are too busy commenting on Jared Leto pics to read silly fluff pieces about enterviropotamuses or whatever.