
Can’t wait to hear all about what the driver did wrong, how much better of a driver other posters are, and how they would have handled it so much better.

Working in automotive development for 20 years, it’s amazing that anyone would want to start a car company from scratch as a business idea. Beyond making small production runs of ultra-expensive sportscars, there’s simply no money to be made. Profit margins are impossibly thin even for well established companies. The

I believe that most people honestly underestimate how incredibly hard it is to make a good car, and how much harder it is to make one that satisfies the various regulatory bodies. Look at the students doing FSAE, which are quite simple cars, and the difficulties they have. Now extend this to all the various systems.

2nd Gear: Automakers Balk Even More At Fuel Economy Rules

Ok, the nitty gritty on P-body versus the original K:

Nope, not true at all.

Have a Volt and came here to say that you’re wrong. It’s a solid car and it’s been extremely reliable for me.

Even after they catch him and he’s an Islamist jihadi you’ll get grief for calling it out

Takata, please do your magic! If anyone deserves shrapnel exploded at them...

boo and hiss. Ford engineers were too lazy to redesign the suspension geometry on the Explorer to curb rollover events, so they specified a lower tire pressure on the OE tires, which lead to premature sidewall wear and the blowouts.

Then the Takata airbag went off, setting the car in motion because it wasn’t actually in park as the keys fell out of the ignition while running which then lodged under the gas pedal accelerating it away unintentionally where it was finally halted by a volkswagen dealership who promptly lied about the whole thing.

Diversify into what? Solar City? An unprofitable company that loses money even faster than Tesla does? But I do agree that they are doomed. They will simply run out of cash and declare bankruptcy. All you folks that put $1000 down on a model 3 are going to be SOL.

I 100% guarantee you she thought she looked like this doing that.

“He was immediately booted from the club.” They only condone driving around slowly with 600 go-pros on each each car and then circle jerking to the footage afterwards.

They are expected to have a competitive design and build quality when compared to conventional cars. They have not delivered, especially on build quality. The unconventional product and business plan should not give them a pass. Want to be a viable car company? Build well made cars.

Tesla wanted some free publicity with their fancy doors but it has done nothing but cause them problems. Repeatedly. They should’ve just given it normal doors and avoided this whole shitshow.

I didn’t want it. I wanted to keep my ‘83 533i, but the rings were toast on that 200,000 mile engine and it wouldn’t handle the 7 hour drive down to TAMU.

My dad worked out a deal with the company he did work for on a used maroon Firebird. Automatic. V6. Did I mention already that I didn’t want it? At least let me get

After buying and selling 34 cars, give or take, I could easily cram an article full of 1,000 words of bad automotive decisions. Everything from C900 ‘verts with swimming pools, Volvos that were trailered without inspection, a D150 trailered to me sight-unseen, a FJ60 driven home across state in a blizzard with a dead

I really didn’t (don’t?) need the second one (pictured closer). Failing paint, hopefully it just needs a tune-up... Heck, it’s even an automatic! But the allure of getting my hands dirty and learning how to paint a car sounds awesome, and there are some hard to find parts that I can transfer to my, what I’ve been

I needed a $1500 car that ran. I did not need this.

The White Whale - 1995 Ford Taurus LX Wagon