
Great update, thanks!

That was a great read! However, whatever happended with it/how did the car end?

You, along with a few others here, have done a tremendous job at pointing out what I’ve long seen as a huge disconnect between the “fanboy” way that Tesla’s vehicles and capabilities have been championed (very heavily on this site I might add) vs. the reality of how any other experienced automaker must treat

Bingo. They don’t have a fix and they don’t care to have a fix, they just want it to drag on long enough to somehow “go away.” The fact that so much of the Jalopnik fanbase seems to think that’s cool is troubling.

A mullett joke! How original!

this plus 1,000....with “2015" listed as the year, when it was already well into 2015.

Was going to say this - also the full-size cars up to ‘90, the “suitcase” under hood makes it very easy compared to most anything else I’ve ever dealt with. Same goes for blower motor, resistor, etc. All right there.

I was waiting for this one, and I know it gets a lot of hate, but at least with the LT1 B-body cars I’ve never had a problem. I have had them last 150,000 miles, while surviving water pump leaks and engine bay rinses, massive puddles, you name it. At 150,000 miles, when is it not reasonable to have to replace at least

And not only that, they have spent much in marketing to consumers how clean these diesels are, the ad with the lady holding the cloth to the tailpipe, the “Green Police” version of the Dream Police song, etc. That they did this cheat while bragging how environmentally friendly the cars are is especially disturbing.

I do the same! I blast WD-40 after a good car wash often throughout the winter, and it has worked very well.

What a load of unmitigated bullshit.

Cannot agree with this one more, I’ve experienced it so many times in my life with various friends and acquaintences. Used Saabs and Volvos, especially. These are also people who love to bash/be snobby about regular cars that other people buy new.