
I keep telling myself that I’ll never own a Corvette because they’re owned by the wrong kind of person, someone I’ll never be. That’s what I keep telling myself

This isn’t progress. Stateless controls for critical stateful functions is lousy interface design.

sometimes i think i’m the crazy one when bad design bugs me.

I have the JGC with that shifter. I’ve put it into park and gotten out of the car only to find it in R and N instead. Thankfully, only on flat ground.

It seems really stupid to me that pushing the shifter forward to the stops doesn’t result in park.

ITS A JEEP THI...oh.ill see myself out.

I do love the double-standard here. If this had been a 1995 GM car, there would be all kinds of comments about “typical GM junk.” But instead, because it’s a 21 year old piece-of-shit Honda, somehow it gets a pass...

I took out three mortgages to put a down payment on an Elio.

Poor Tesla Motors. Welcome to selling product in the real world. No matter what the user was actually doing with it, it just broke spontaneously of its own accord when being used correctly. Sometimes it breaks while properly stored away too.

Once again, Jalopnik, like all of Gawker’s sites, flips between the “we’re a blog!/we’re real journalists!” crap. Pick one. Commenting on automotive personalities is pretty much all Jalopnik does. Since when do you need to be able to “back it up?”

If Trump wins, I’m blaming this on Bernie supporters. It’s bad enough he’s losing because all he ever did was promise golden eggs to everyone, but that he’s continuing to cause a drift with democratic support is fucked up (pretty sure he would want all those Clinton voters later if he were ahead in the polls).

There are two things about Sanders’ rhetoric lately that are really frustrating me and both center around the fact that he has openly talked about not being a Democrat and only running as a Democrat because it allows him to reach a broader base than running as an independent:

The really pathetic part of this whole thing is Sanders (and his supporters) railing against Clinton for taking soft money, when he’s doing the essentially the same thing by only using the Democratic party when it’s most beneficial to him as a politician. He could afford to run independently for Senator from Vermont,

I was wondering when the progressive Tea Party would show up. This may be the nascent stages, where they begin organizing primary challenges to politicians who are viewed as insufficiently progressive. We’ll get our own Sharon Angle, Todd Akin, Richard Mourdocks up there and fuck up winnable seats in Congress.

This is a reasonable and correct take and has no place in Kinja.

I’m fine with Bernie staying in the race to accumulate votes and show Democrats that there is broad, national support for a progressive agenda. I am not alright with him staying in the race in a desperate bid to win.

I have been reluctant to blame Sanders as his supporters get more and more batshit in the face of inevitable loss. No more. The statement he put out on this is pure bullshit. You supporters got VIOLENT — they threw chairs, they issued death threats, they acted like spoiled Trump-supporting creeps, and the statement

Does Ethan think that if Sanders becomes President that people will cease to think a grown man that still lives with his Mom will no longer be considered a loser?

Me, either. wink wink, you know, places where brown and black people live. He’s disgusting.

The only difference between Sanders and Trump supporters is that Trump supporters tend to have jobs.

I like how Ethan is simultaneously giving his whole life to the campaign and just playing a character. Serious commitment to the bit, Ethan.