
Nope. This is full of shit.

This is a bit simplistic due to one little itty bitty thing... the plan doubles the standard deduction which means that it will not be worthwhile for a large chunk of home owners to itemize, especially for those that don’t live in crazy housing markets.

“..but... but... HE MADE ME!”

Ahhhh... It is finally all on the table.

Finally a like minded progressive. I hate people were supposedly foaming at the mouth for Bernie and his message... and then got a case of pissy self-destructive sour grapes when he did go forward.

I’m with you there. I thought she was going to be perfectly adequate. I could go to sleep and not worry about a nuclear war starting. I’m *far* more left wing than she is, but I’m *not fucking stupid* so I didn’t waste my vote on any 0% change of winning loser to appease my feelings.

Let’s be clear: Only one of those two people could possibly end up as president last November. Period. It was a choice between Hillary or Trump.

The lesser of two evils... is less evil.

Not shown in this image of greatness: “Whites Only”.

Staring at the sun is unhealthy. Also, staring at the visage of Donald is also unhealthy.

A road is not a statue. Let’s not pretend like these things are comparable.

You have nothing to discuss here. We don’t discuss “in good faith” with nazis and their complacent quislings.

Fuck your noise.

Hell no, I have not experienced anything like the oppression that these tiny handed quislings whine about. Growing up, when I went to a minority-majority school occasionally I got called “cracker” and I stood out being literally the whitest child in the all of my schools. It hurt my feelings, but that isn’t the same

You misunderstand, I am the whitest person here and I am telling you to go fuck off with that noise about no-platform, demonization, blah blah blah “on the basis of their white skin color” and how their petty rage is somehow appropriate as a response to this. Fuck. that. noise.

Free speech isn’t the same as freedom from consequence. You are allowed to be a raging racist bag of dicks. Being a raging dick bag is generally frowned upon, despite what certain pandering Orange Quislings might suggest. Once people know you are a racist dick bag, people will act accordingly and express their dislike

Whitest person here: Fuck your noise.

We do, but you apparently don’t. “Critical coverage of Israel and Israeli actions” doesn’t equate to “inciting violence”. Violence is just a predictable result of your apartheid state you got going over there. 

Like what? I am honestly struggling to find a bright spot.