
Surely, it must be this and not the fact that buying weapons is a quick and easy way to fund employment in otherwise undesirable areas and that cutting production of weapons would result in a significant economic shake up for the United States that would be painful. Our leaders are certainly above voting for useless

I disagree and I think that you miss the narrative utility of the aliens that they encounter. They are not so much racial stereotypes as they are blunt tools for discussing an issue. Klingons are warlike - They pop up in narratives where a looming threat is needed and where the crew needs to decide if they want to

Huh. That chart about the percentage of schools with LEO seems like there is some magic breaking point... it’s almost as if 50%+ non-white = LEO.

Eh. Hopefully this demand will put the kabosh on the whole damn pork barrel project.

True, but they are images, not photos.

Eh. It’s still canon.

I heard Tony Stark has a weakness to this thing call cryptom now. When he is around, it can’t fly until he sits in the sun and regrows his armor.

False. Go watch ... SAC 2nd GIG (I think). The major is shown, as a child, with a full body replacement and learning how to use it.

She never asked for this.

Where did he mention casting as an issue? He’s saying that the plot itself is more robocop than GiTS, regardless of the people playing the roles.

Don’t worry about it. Arise doesn’t dramatically alter any known facts.

...but that’s not GiTS. A *fundamental* aspect of the major is that she got her full body replacement as a child. She has lived with it so long that it blurs her perception of reality, causing her central existential question to be.... wait for it... AM I JUST A GHOST IN A SHELL?

Uh, you seem to be fact driven, but then don’t seem to be informed of some of the facts. Yeah, jobs are good - which is what the economy has been adding consistently since 2011. The unemployment rate, meanwhile, has been cut down into an area to such an extent that economists consider it to be full employment. The


Oh? Why, exactly? Being ignorant or lacking competitive job skills isn’t a racial thing - unless part of your argument included something like “All them ignorant black people are on welfare”. Is that what happened? Be honest.

So, what you are saying is you heard somewhere something that you mistakenly believe is correct? Gotcha.

So, Chevy apparently is big in Mexico. We export a ton of cars there. ...and we are starting a trade war with them because surely that won’t affect that.

My point is that your assertion (“if you dont tip, they give you bad service or review”) flies in the face of facts. Follow with me:

OOOhhhhNOOEEEEEEeeesSSSSs.. There is an option for a tip? The world is falling!

I mean the economic and cultural engine that make it such a target for in-migration from other states. To be frank, California is a lot more meaningful to Ohio than Ohio is to California.