
Then what’s stopping you from emulating the California model of success where you are? If California leaves, you’ll have to decide what you want to do where you are. Maybe that means not being part of the US anymore. It’s not California’s responsibility to protect every blue state in the nation.

Whether or not California or the West Coast is part of the US does not change what happens in Flint, Detroit, Chicago, or the rest. Period. We are a world apart and culturally distinct from the eastern side. By all means, the NE should form its own country, and let the south burn in its hideousness. At least you know

Why exactly is it relevant?

It’s come to that. At some point, you cut your losses. We are actually separate nations at this point. When I visit Atlanta or Chicago, I might as well be in a different country. We share the same currency and language, but at the core the culture is different. Business is different. The people are different. If this

The coasts should let “real” America see what it is really like without the coasts. Fuck them.

That’s over. It’s clear that the red states don’t want our help and use us trying to help them as an excuse to why their red state policies fail. It’s time to turn inward and take care of our own first. America first? West coast first.

Nope. This is recognizing that the west and the east are different nations and that California subsidizes the east. As for the 30% of South Carolinians who can’t move, you gotta deal with your own state. Right now, 82% of the white population in SC is registered to vote while 74% of the non-white population is

Oh, please.

Sure, but with a more direct democracy model those in the cities will lead.

You’d have more power as a separate nation able to control the import and export of goods from lesser America.

I understand your position and I sympathize, but whenever states like California try to work for the common good we get pissed all over. If you don’t like not being like California, it is up to you to elect people that will emulate California. We can lead by example, but we are out of patience to continue bailing

OOOooooOOOooooo... Someone is butt hurt. Being a progressive doesn’t mean not using things like natural gas - it means being committed to building up alternative energy capacity and mitigating the impacts of natural gas plants to the extent possible. Which California does do.

Yup. You’d have allies with Oregon and Washington too. With us, you’d control virtually all shipping of imports coming from China and South East Asia going into the Trumpanzeeistan.

You should. Lyft is actually a bit friendly overall and also slightly less expensive. It’s techbro vs. your neighbor.

So $250,000 four times should be poo-poo’d while a $1m lump should be cheered? If I believed that the source was credible (which I take Lyft to be credible), then it’s just timing.

As someone with a degree in political science, it helps.

Wow. That’s still a shit deal. T-Mobile has free SMS and free international data for all post-paid customers. Tried and tested in at least 10 different countries, so far.

NOPE. Fuck this guy and anyone who likes him.

So, if you just disregard everything and believe really hard in your own fantasy, then you are right. Got it.