
“Any tool is a weapon if you hold it right.” Right, but, again, a gun has NO OTHER PURPOSE. A hammer still helps to build a house. A car still helps get goods from one place to another. A gun ONLY KILLS THINGS.

yet another stupid take/attempt at distraction. Ever notice the bollards set up at new federal buildings and even the talk recently of NYC setting up bollards at key points to separate cars from pedestrians?

Complaining about their availability does not accomplish anything and diverts the discussion from steps that could be taken to, maybe, have an impact.

The gun “debate,” inasmuch as it ever actually took place, is over. We lost. The occasional mass slaughter of innocent men, women, and children is just the occasional price we pay.

there’s always the opportunity that gunman will be taken out before he has the opportunity to kill very many.”

iOS is still nowhere near robust enough to justify a $1000 asking price

Yet another conservative who can’t take a joke.

Clearly, a regime change is needed. The cult-leading, nuclear war-hungry, authoritarian madman has to go.

Exactly. Was I pissed off that the DNC rigged the primary in Hillary’s favor? Sure. Of course, I was, but you know what? It didn’t matter because I knew that even if Bernie was who was “going to win”, my only options were Trump and Clinton once the primary was over. Hell, even Bernie understood that. He implored

I could just blame them for cutting FEMA, demonizing FEMA, and tying relief money to a border wall. I don’t “blame” the GOP for a fucking hurricane.

well you could also blame the Republican state government for refusing to take any action to prepare Florida for the massive hurricanes which are now battering the region at a terrifying and increasing rate too

Because cops here believe they exist to protect each other instead of serving the public. It’s them against us so regardless of our innocence, we’re all suspects until we prove otherwise.

Wait, I don’t get it. If the bond system is needed to protect people, then the example where a guy out on bond murdered somebody is an example of it NOT working, isn’t it?

Dear Zero - the “history” of Confederate monuments was that they were established during some of the darkest days of America - most were erected in the first half of the 20th century. They served to remind non-whites and non-Christians of their place in American society, and to remind them what happens if they get too

IDK, no one’s putting up statues of Hitler and people seem to remember him just fine...

I was going to mention the Central valley. When I was living there, my now ex-wife would complain about”the damn Mexicans” all the time.

“why should anyone else rise in arms to help the cause of others?”

“You are literally the person in the photo.”

Your right to privacy (this isn’t a free speech issue, numbnuts) ends when you parade your idiocy in public.