
Oh yes, let’s talk about Northern Ireland and the IRA. They’ve killed about 3,600 people since the early 1970s (security + civilian). 17,500+ people are murdered in the US by firearms **every year** (double that die each year by any cause at the end of a gun). Quite comparable. /s

Fuck your fun. The amazing thing about your particular brand of entitlement is that your day at the range comes at the cost of massive gun violence throughout society. You’re a cancer.

This is a shit brained argument. Vehicles and guns aren’t the same thing. They don’t do the same things. They don’t produce the same value to society. They aren’t equally essential to daily life. They aren’t regulated to the same degree. The ability to drive is well regulated, while gun ownership and purchases are

I’m sorry that me being upset over your casual indifference to the graveyards that get filled because laws promoted by gun nuts is something that triggers you. This isn’t a rational conversation because the argument starting positions should be an affront to common sense.

A) Fuck you.

Quit talking about vehicles as if this was relevant to the current conversation.

So, if guns were less readily available, then maybe people would use them less. What they would use as an alternative are far less effective, as your example there shows.

False. People recognize that vehicle and certain chemicals have a utility that exceed their risk. Guns are stupid toys for the dickless.

Are bombs legal? Are they easy to obtain? Do thousands of people die because of bomb violence in America? No, no, and no.

You made this bed, GOP. Now go lay in it.

Fun fact: We had a terror attack using a car just the other week. He killed 8, not 26. There is nothing that has been designed to kill like a gun.

Who the shooter is will only determine if this event is used as an example of why all brown people should be thrown under the bus because they are all terrorists and evil or if we spend weeks wringing our hands and wondering about how a poor innocent white man could be led so far astray.

Ah, the merit system. The problem is, of course, that it is a stupid idea and won’t prevent terrorism. For example, under the last merit based draft Trump put out, you had to hit 30 points through a combination of things. For example, someone who spoke English, held a foreign engineering degree, and had access to a

WTF. I pay $55 for 100MB/s, including taxes, in socialist Seattle.

Thank you for trying to be reasonable, but I think you are being blindly optimistic about a crap bad idea. It’s utopian and unrealistic, just like the hyperloop crap (Vacuum tube trains? Very popular mechanics cover story circa 1970).

It will carry far less people, be much more pricey, and isn’t built with the usual things that subways are built with such as safety in mind.

The solution, obviously, is to defund all programs that provide any type of mental health service to anyone.

True, but these aren’t competing with $20 bt speakers. Multi-room speakers is a thing that bt can’t do and the built in voice control is neat, if generally not that useful.

You missed the photo of what spent the last week prepping for the people in PR...

It’d be a shame if those books ended up in a toilet.