
The fact checkers put Clinton at telling a lie about 13% of the time. The same people put Trump at telling a lie over 50% of the time. Don’t try to equivocate.

Except that you are completely wrong. The fact checkers show otherwise, as could you if you looked into the claims. Trump is a fraud and a liar - He’s got a monorail to sell.

Likely because the small cars are not profitable and the alternative is to eliminate the line completely.

It isn’t that bad of a game. Fun, actually. The only down side is that there is very obviously an extra chapter or two missing, so hopefully we don’t have to wait so damn long for the next installment.

Needed to talk to the rumor monger to get the politician thread started. He is in a back corner on the other side if krollers place.

It really isn’t though, unless you go looking for it. The main game demands and requires zero purchases.

The tyrants attacked to kidnap a doc that was close to a breakthrough that would have enabled neoprozyne free augmentations, thus breaking the control that the illuminati had over augmentations via their control of the drug. They diverted her research from that to making a biochip that would ensure all augs had a

What is B-segement. Asking for a friend.

Keep telling yourself that.

Naderites voted against their own self interest and put vanity before pragmatism. A vote for Nader or any third party this one round isn’t a real vote. It does nothing to advance a liberal ideology. Nothing.

Doesn’t change the electoral math: Voting for a third party in the presidential election is a vanity vote in this country. It means nothing, changes nothing, does nothing to advance your platform, and provides indirect support to an opposing platform. It is literally stupid.

Good catch. Typo. Gawker does not play nice with my phone. “stating” is the word I was going for.

Your counterargument has as much validity as me starting that I don’t believe you exist.

Shouldn’t have gotten to that point. Naderites made the difference. If they were acting rationally based on the understanding that one of the two will, without fail, be President and no other is an option and that one more closely mirrors their values, even if imperfectly, then they should realized that casting a

And I agree with that. But it did and the choice was eventually boiled own to three choices: Support Gore. Support Bush, directly. Engage in supreme vanity, vote third party and support your least desired option indirectly with no chance of your vanity candidate getting elected.

Sure, but it doesn’t forgive stupidity. Choosing to starve because you are vegan and are forced to choose between chicken or beef is just stupid, as is the choice of otherwise liberal people to take actions that have zero chance of success but that lead *predictably* to an illiberal government for the next four to

No. It was Ralph Nader supporters and their “There is no difference between Bush and Gore!!” whining that pushed the election to Bush.

OP: Dtmfa. She doesn’t share your beliefs, full stop. You can choose between her or your beliefs, but good relationships DO NOT DEMAND THAT THE OTHER PERSON CONFORMS TO MEET YOUR WHIMS. Instead the other person is perfect (or tolerably close enough) just the way they are.

My 80s Volvo can too, but it is a driver error.

You don’t think this won’t become a public project? Ha ha ha ha ha... These billionaires are going to pull a Trump and come hat in hand (how are you going to get the ROW? Imminent domain!) and all it will do is detract from actually getting HSR built. These guys are coming in and telling you that maybe hyoerloop is