I am all for new stuff, but not if it literally dumb and a rehash of pop mechanics covers from the 1970s. Otherwise, when investing in transportation there is a REALLY good reason why trains and planes are such staples of our system.
I am all for new stuff, but not if it literally dumb and a rehash of pop mechanics covers from the 1970s. Otherwise, when investing in transportation there is a REALLY good reason why trains and planes are such staples of our system.
On the contrary, we can. There are too many obvious improbabilities for all this to actually work. Every step of the way is a stupid limitation that makes hyperloop a bad choice to alternative modes of travel. The money to build hyperloop would MUCH more effectively be spent on additional runways and HSR. Every single…
I have been telling people this for months on here. The fact is that this thing is going to suck, especially since they are not talking anywhere here about the actual physical experience of riding in it which is likely to be nausea inducing and difficult -or inaccessible- for people who are not healthy young techies.
In an ideal society, we would have a single payer healthcare system like every other modern country. We are more likely to get that before security at the airport goes away.
1. You would still have to travel to the hyperloop station, deal with security, and all the rest. Also, you don’t take into consideration stops in your scenario 30 minutes vs 3 hours is a lie.
More aware. Same shit that sparked the Black Panthers and created a system of protection money for cops in major cities (See Stonewall and history of police in Seattle as examples).
Trump is just sore that Cruz is better at the art of the deal than he is.
I suspect this is where we are going to disagree, but... I am sick of giving assholes the benefit of the doubt. I have heard it before and know where it goes. She is welcome to surprise me, but that particular language usually doesn’t lead to positions that are LGBT friendly. I just have no patience for it and hearing…
I appreciate your position, but beware that the great fallacy that liberals (and I am a raging left coaster) have fallen into is this idea that #AllOpinionsMatter. They don’t and sometime people gotta be called out on it.
Cool. I guess I am just tired of the same damn argument time and time again. It’s not like I don’t have decades of experience hearing these types of “Can’t we all just respect each other’s beliefs??/YOU WANT TO PUT UP A MENORAH?? UNTHINKABLR! WAR ON CHRISTMAS!!” people. It is sadly predictable, and that is the type of…
The problem is that words show us insight into a person. When she says she “wasn’t raised that way” and that she “disagrees with that lifestyle”, it shows her to be in a conservative religious camp that believes the being gay is a choice and therefore gays can stop their discrimination whenever they choose to accept…
I will bet money that if you asked her whether gay marriage should be legal, whether denying service should be legal, or whether gay couples should be allowed to adopt, we will get exactly the type of response we expect from the “Hate the sin, love the sinner (repress by laws)“ crowd.
To put it another way, it’s like saying, “I believe in the freedom of religion and that all religions should be treated equally” while also supporting surveillance on mosques and demanding pork be served in every school lunch.
Well, that is nice and all... Until you start passing laws against gay people. Religious folk would be a lot more believable in this “live and let live” thing if they didn’t actively try to harm gay people with laws that target only them.
Don’t tell him this is another failed business, or he’ll run out to the lot, buy a car, spray paint the bumper gold, slap “TRUMP” on it and tell you he is still an auto tycoon.