This is great. I may name my next homebrew this.
This is great. I may name my next homebrew this.
No, but the *justification* for drug testing poor people is rooted in the stereotype of the poor black welfare mooch who sits around and does drugs. There is a racial component in the interpretation of the individuals’ circumstances that drives the policies. The same type of bias can be see in how photos of disaster…
It is no different than when kids who are bullied start working with the bully - because at the end of the day at least it isn’t them.
Yes, and no. Identity is intersectional, so while yes, all things being equal being rich provides status benefits that being poor does not, being black or white (or Asian) modifies status too.
Geez. Can you get any more predictable or basic? If I am a SJW, then doesn’t that make you a social injustice warrior? A basic, angry, guy with a paper thin identity, clinging to the one thing you think makes you special. Sad.
I love this one: The quick dismissal by trying to claim that white guilt is behind this observation of fact, just like the rest of your crap deflections.
Oooo... Old school disproven shit about how it is not racism, it is just that you aren’t behaving nicely enough towards the white people.
It is cute that you think they would be given a place at the table. The only way they would be accepted is if they were meek and happy, and never brought up anything tough.
Sur, but why would they do that? The Midwest wants to race to the bottom, so they get bottom feeder rates. If they did move there, they’d cut $5 or more off the wage.
Nice fantasy, bro.
O RLY? So, to you, a world where individual churches are free to marry gays (or not) and have that individual choice recognized as a valid expression of religious belief is *less free* than a world where there is a law that explicitly states that one church is right and another is wrong about their interpretation of…
O RLY? So, to you, a world where individual churches are free to marry gays (or not) and have that individual choice recognized as a valid expression of religious belief is *less free* than a world where there is a law that explicitly states that one church is right and another is wrong about their interpretation of…
Welcome to the right. Conform or be a faggot monkey loving libtard.
Alternative title: “Examples of everything wrong with america”
You should totally update the Wikipedia entry on witkar to let people know that even though they were doing car sharing in 1974, you thought of it first in 1989.
Sure, nothing stops them from having a name like “Dave”, but naming practices ARE cultural. Tyrone is a black name in the same way that Björn is a Scandinavian name.
Really, Tyrone? This is a foreign concept?
Why can’t there be a factory fire in Bangladesh in one of his factories (one where no one gets hurt, obviously).
I love your mental gymnastics. Trump shipped jobs overseas and you think he is smart. Losing jobs overseas is one of his tent pole fear monger shticks and you blindly follow this guy who promises to bring jobs back when he won’t do it himself.