Sounds like a real shithole
Sounds like a real shithole
Honestly I don’t care about consensual affairs of politicians (unless they make their political hay on family values (just like why I’m A-OK with outing homophobic closeted ones)). Of course Trump’s an adulterer. He’s proved it with his previous wives. Get the sexual assault cases to stick and then come back to me.
Can they truly be a Philadelphia sports team if I’m never able to witness them disappoint me in person somewhere in the greater Philadelphia area?
..why does it have side mirrors?
The real core problem with what he said is he said that people from those countries are lesser because they are from those countries. That their character is inherently flawed because of where they were born. That the people of Haiti are, by extension, shitholes.
like free meals and after-school care.
You don’t actually believe Ben Solo when he says her parents were basically trash do you!? He’s gotta be lying. Has to.
Just learn Esperanto.
Jesus fucking Christ. Who the fuck does this kind of shit?
If loli porn and pseudo-porn is an outlet for pedos that lets them not molest children, I am not sure how we can say it’s a bad thing.
What is a bad thing is how it’s been creeping into the mainstream, and how hard it’s become to avoid without avoiding anime altogether.
These days I almost never watch a new anime…
i can think of 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288 kinds of pi
I agree it’d be better if the issue didn’t exist at all, but when it comes to pedophilic stuff like this I’d say this is the least of evils. Does liking ‘loli’ anime or whatever actually lead to or intensify desires to go after actual children? I mean, they’re exaggerated caricatures of children and not realistic…
Oh no, the value of the most valuable asset in most peoples entire lives keeps hoo, what a crisis.
Yeah, that’s the bigger part of the story. Better safe than sorry on the part of the Airline, WTF on the part of the Feds. I guess I’m glad they didn’t sexually assault the women, or move them to a detention center to sit in a cold box for the night.
Nobody fucking wants video in place of stories. There’s a time and a place for video. It’s at home, when I don’t plan on going out or doing anything.
Silly me. I like to read stories, and will actively avoid attempts to force me to watch a video to get the same information. I must not be his target audience.
Video has a time and a place. Stories that involve critical thinking and investigative reporting, are not that time or place. Trying to force reporters to dumb…
Canada...America’s hockey helmet.
The fact is that most Americans don’t care about soccer, and that poor soccer fan is probably dying to talk to anyone who cares about soccer. My hypothesis is that you could be black, the reincarnation of Hitler or a foaming-at-the-mouth dog and he’d probably be excited to talk to you if you’re wearing soccer gear.
US Navy apologizes for disclosing its top secret flight plan for North Korean flyovers
Seems weird that the state of California would ban travel to states like North Carolina and Tennessee due to their treatment of LGBTQ people, but have no issues with sending a basketball team to the bastion for human rights that is China.