
I’ve read that assholes succeed because they’re less likely to consider others in decisions which lead to their advancement.

I get the feeling a ton of people are going to play this for a bit and realize they never actually wanted Vanilla WoW in the first place.

The NFL collective bargaining agreement has a provision that outlaws collusion, both express and implied, by NFL teams to refrain from negotiating with players.

Absolutely right. The correct term is xenophobic - not racist.

Unless undocumented immigrants are a race, they aren’t as their backgrounds are many and varied, then that provision is not racist.

Having worked in this field (both as a volunteer installing solar panels in the Dominican and creating software the help design solar power stations) I can speak to some of it.

The man was heard telling the girl, “I’ll tell you how I know your father after you get in the car.”

When I heard the imitation firearm thing (before people were saying terror) I jumped to suicide by cop.

Removing them entirely is a horrible idea.

Lol what’s your point? I personally think anyone who dresses in the flag is an asshole, no matter the race. Try again.

Way sooner than that...

It’s always revolting to see atheists turn into the EXACT same sorts of ignorant, nasty little bigots the moment religious people go under the microscope. Humanity just can’t fucking help itself than Otherize people, sadly.

I don’t like Ben Carson, AT ALL, but it seems to me he is essentially saying “God only knows, your guess is as good as mine”.

“Puerto Rican Governor Ricardo Rosselló has defended the contract, saying Whitefish did not mandate an up-front payment from the cash-strapped Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority for its work.”

That sounds like a recipe for getting exactly what you pay for, and that would be bad.

NERD ALERT: That's how it looks in Fringe. I guess they found a way to combat oxidation in the alternate universe. Go Walternate! (Edit comment)