
What I find interesting here is you and may of the comments all talk about how the right is intolerant, rude, racially motivated, et al, yet there is no open discussion here and the false or misrepresented statements are as bad as the position you are trying to argue against.

“Net worth” is irrelevant, since most of that is illiquid assets. Iwiński can’t exactly donate those 12 million shares of stock as-is - they’re useless to charities and researchers. And liquidating that much stock in one go would drastically undercut the value - it’d be going for pennies a share by the end, which

Now apply that same logic to a case involving sports video games.

Wasn’t the idea that there was a large asymptomatic or unidentified population that isn’t counted in the fatality rate the common assumption, particularly in the US, where we know that testing was limited to known transmissions and severely symptomatic cases but we now know there were several unidentified in-US

That one’s locked down pretty hard in the US and, I think, most other industrialized nations; you need a license to practice medicine, and you get it at the end of a formalized training pipeline that includes an MD degree and a few years of postgraduate training.

Wow, if she’s the first black woman, she’s aged really well.

It isn’t that Trump will fuck this up that’s interesting, it’s how.

To be honest...if you though that he ate 40 Large Pizzas in 30’re the idiot.

I know I will catch heat for this, but here I go.... it seemed to me as if he was referring to being interviewed by her and that she took it that way, as well.  Especially since he added that he had accomplished it (“I’m done”).  Granted, everything Jim Carrey says tends to come out a little creepy, but I think this

RE: Jim Carrey

i don’t understand the rabid devotion to steam.

It’s as if Manhattan were land-locked or something.

I’m a big reduce/reuse/recycle kind of person, but as far as game cases - do people really throw these out? I’ve never done it. I’m surprised that this is at all a noticeable contributor to the garbage problem.
 I keep 90% of my games (forever) tho, and the ones I don’t, I sell or give to friends.

Don’t deliberately touch people at all without their permission. It is on fact, the law.

It’s not okay to slap someone’s ass without their consent.  It is, in fact, assault.  

My guess? Wrap them up like a burrito and chomp on them. 

The thing about the Mueller report is that it would have given Republicans a ton of bullshit ammo to throw around. Not using it and instead focusing on what the current hearing were about allows for a lot more focus.

I just assumed that the woman actually wanted that bike. 

Given the quote from Obama and several other famous mentions as well as links to articles from well-known sources reporting on this I’d say this is a you problem.

“She says I didn’t live in my apartment building because majority of people who live there are white,” Rashad says in a screen captured message.