“Respect the family and back off, Bitch,” the rapper, author and TV personality spat at the screen, adding, “Before we come get you.”
“Respect the family and back off, Bitch,” the rapper, author and TV personality spat at the screen, adding, “Before we come get you.”
Not really a valid comparison. Weinstein wasn’t being lauded by pretty much everybody as a great person. I expect THAT is a significant contributing factor to her anger.
No idea, I’m not really much of a Jalopnik. I’ve bought two cars in my life. Bottom of the end (but new) Saturn when I got my first (real) job when I was ~22, and a (new) Mazda Miata when that one died around 10 years later.
There is also no guarantee a car at auction comes with everything it says it comes with on that original sticker. Some owner at some point could have removed something.
AFAIK, as per lemon laws, Tesla paid him to buy the car (as well as that feature) back. Then when Tesla resold it at auction they had (apparently) decided it no longer had that feature, but, (apparently) hadn’t yet run the update through removing it.
Well, I’d assume the first takeaway would be:
Sorta, not sorta?
You know, I can sort of allow for “Senator X” and showing a picture of “Senator Y”, or “Candidate X” and showing a picture of “Candidate Y”.
Eh, I think it’s a huge stretch to suggest that “seems to me that Karma caught up with a rapist today” equates to “I think he deserved to die”. That’s just people looking for an excuse to be offended.
I realize most people on these boards seem to keep forgetting this...
Just because there has been a death doesn’t mean somebody committed murder or manslaughter. Or even negligent homicide.
To be “fair”, I suspect the “real” point is, as actually stated, “treating every abortion like a murder”e.g. to give the government valid grounds for an arrest/charge when an abortion has been discovered, (and perhaps more so, give them grounds to shut down abortion clinics as “murder for hire” services”,) not to…
So then aborting it is self defense/defense of other, and thus perfectly legal without needing to special case it.
How to wear them?
If nothing else, I’m curious if the company’s EULA has language about creating a profile with someone else’s DNA.
I don’t claim to be a legal expert, but I expect actively seeking out the “damaging material” absolves the NFL of all damages.
Legality of what?
Additionally, I was under the impression that a warrant is only allowed or valid if there is a legal suspicion of a crime that has been committed.
Just goes to show. No crime is complete until you’ve murdered every known relation (and incinerated all the evidence) to prevent them from getting a DNA test.
No, “Progressive Allies” did. Not at all the same thing as the candidate or their campaigns doing so.