
Progressive Allies != Them or their campaigns.

I have adopted the philosophy that ALL white folks are snakes

Raceism: Prejudism based on the belief that one race is superior to others.

Maybe I’m just overly cynical, but as robocalls go...

The notion of eliminating highway lanes is realistic because of another ambitious effort to move cars off the road: congestion pricing. Next year, New York will become the first American city to charge a fee to drive into the busiest areas of Manhattan.

Now, if he was a smart criminal (hah) he’d actually BE black.

So... back to how PC boxes used to be before everything went DVD case happy?

The common influenza we see yearly has a mortality rate that is far less than 1%.

An article that I refuse to link to for my own mental sanity has referred to the coronavirus as “kung flu” which is racist, but also, lazy?

Or would it be too cynical to suggest the only reason they want diversity is so their children can say, “I’m not racist, I have black friends”. So there only really needs to be the one token black kid for a school to be “diverse enough”?

Folks at work got in trouble for a prank they played on a coworker when he came back from a long vacation.

Hmm, so the argument is there’s also perhaps a psychological aspect where people who are otherwise powerless in their lives like to wallow in whatever power they manage to get. Such as knowing cars can’t do a damn thing about them because “pedestrians have the right-of-way.”

No, I’m saying it’s far more about “opportunity” and far less about “not get prosecuted”.

That’s an interesting point.

It’s because they believe (somewhat correctly) that no one cares when a prostitute goes missing.

Jaywalkers between the ages of 18 and 25 were also disproportionately targeted, receiving 44 percent of all tickets despite being just 7 percent of the population.

I’m curious. What special investigative processes are suddenly activated that were previously just ignored when the decision is made to investigate a murder “as a hate crime”. (ignoring, for now, the argument that pretty much every murder is a hate crime, I’ll accept that “hate crime” in this context means the motive

This sort of thing always slightly amuses me. All land was “stolen” from something/somebody if you go back far enough. Odds are almost certain those Aboriginal tribes murdered some other aboriginal tribe to take that land. They weren’t exactly on good terms with each other before the “white man” showed up. Nobodies

Not seeing a big difference between this and what the both political parties do by way of tax cuts/entitlements/etc.

Well, they got a contact high from repeatedly sniffing him*.