So, no lorem ipsum blah blah blah?
So, no lorem ipsum blah blah blah?
the first two Ultima Underworld games.
See, what you don’t realize is the original image wasn’t 4096x2160, it was 4096000 x 2160000. The “enhance” is simply the process of switching from the scaled down version to the actual rez version.
It’s a Chinese company. Asset theft from other games is standard practice.
That’s not the way I’m reading it. Maybe I’m misunderstanding, but it reads like Gamebear simply flipped their *own* previous game with a simple reskin to “make” Stellaris:GC for Paradox... A game which also (presumably) stole those very same assets from Halo. I would have to assume the folks at Paradox were aware…
“We trust Gamebear”
Whatever pain and stress afflicts Servin pales by comparison with what his sister’s family still must deal with, Sutton said.
Yes, but homicide != murder. And negligent homicide typically falls among the type of homicides that aren’t. (It would be usually classed as manslaughter, I believe)
I’d have to argue the use of the n-word was the least racist (by actual definition of the word) part of her screed.
Shit like this is one of the reasons we need to do more to encourage the use of effective birth control. There shouldn’t be such a thing as an unplanned pregnancy, much less an unknown one.
Or pretty much all of History up until after WWII and the creation of the U.N.
I just read the Declaration of Independence the other day and my jaw dropped. Referring to the Native Americans as merciless savages—that’s in the Declaration of Independence, bro.
Global study
To be fairish...
Absolute idiocy.
And if their concerns were, “Some idiots might complain, but I think it looks great”?
I know people get off on calling everybody they can racist, and some competitor obviously saw this as a way to improve their chances of winning, but.
That’s an entirely different argument. (what to take down, not when to take it down) When to take it down is entirely dependent on when the winds get bad putting areas at risk. When to start bringing it back up is dependent on when the winds stop being bad in the at-risk areas.
To be fair(ish), since it’s all based on how bad the winds get, how quickly they die down, PG&E could have simply been doing the best they could with the information available to them. (And I would be inclined to argue far better to overestimate and say down for three days when it turns out to be 24, then…
Admittedly, I hate math but