To be more fairish, I think it’s more reasonable to suggest that if I’m getting married in a week, I might consider putting off my rape lawsuit against a famous person for a few weeks.
To be more fairish, I think it’s more reasonable to suggest that if I’m getting married in a week, I might consider putting off my rape lawsuit against a famous person for a few weeks.
*shrug* Just throwing out hypotheticals. I’ve never worked for what is, apparently, a high end bakery with a warehouse. (That may not want it known it’s goods are available post expiration date on the cheap.)
The code and the platform existed before the drivers. The code can be easily updated to accommodate a wide variety of location bsed services beyond simple ride sharing.
this means large crowds of protesters speaking out against police brutality, immigration policy, state government or the Trump administration would be subject to surveillance.
Maybe. It’s possible the cakes in question were past their sell by date, and he was ordered to get rid of them, with no restrictions given as to how. If he found a buyer for them that was willing to ignore the sell by date, (or was eating them himself) more power to him? Just because he’s on security footage loading…
It would be pretty damning, except I fail to see where he admits that he apologized to her and asked her to come back. (and even if her statement about that is accurate, a more reasonable interpretation would be that he was apologizing for firing her, not for jerking off on her back. There is still no indication the…
Yeah, I’m not sure how well I translate “idiot”, but it reads to me he’s basically accusing her and her mom of trying to use him as a meal ticket/be gold diggers, but his baby mama warned him, and so instead of getting a ring he just used her for sex.
I don’t know, something about the known story doesn’t pass the sniff test.
Can’t we put one of those ankle bracelets on people to make sure they show up to trial?
I don’t know, the “lie” seems like it has quite a bit of supporting evidence. I have a hard time thinking anybody sober would think they could get away with that.
Didn’t you watch that Dr. No documentary? The whole place is under the thumb of this gang called S.P.E.C.T.R.E.
If you lose your cool enough to swear in a simple televised debate, perhaps you are unfit for actually serving?
I’m under the impression from folks on these boards that people pleading guilty to crimes they didn’t commit is how things usually work in the U.S. Justice system. Something about it allegedly being cheaper/faster to just take the plea deal than fight the charges, or some such.
Well, I guess whether or not he needs one depends on what he means by “Free”.
Optical illusion? If the light source is from the right it’s folded to have the type facing in. If the light source is from the left it’s folded to have the type facing out. The picture itself contains no clues as to which is correct, as it’s cropped cutting off the top/bottom.
1 vertical fold can fit in a suit pocket but it would require 2 horizontal folds to do the same?
Laffy Taffy is best when frozen.
the awful parent ordering $25+ worth of food for “dinner”, etc.. should all go inside and quit fucking it up for everyone that orders quickly, pays quickly and leaves quickly.
Again, if you’re displaced within your own country due to a natural disaster, you’re an evacuee. If you’ve fled to a different country due to a natural disaster, you’re a refugee. These folks are displaced to a different country, ergo they are refugees. PERIOD. Doesn’t matter if people may have gotten it wrong during…