No, because buying a book isn’t an emolument.
No, because buying a book isn’t an emolument.
This always seemed like a massive stretch.
I can’t speak for their swim team, but when I was in high school our team chose our own suits (well, pattern, more like) for the year, with variants for type of preferred suit, and you definitely picked your own size. So it isn’t entirely impossible the “issue” was more the swimmers fault than the article would seem…
The ferry was (apparently) supposed to take a detour to Nassau so those missing their paperwork could get it. Ferry company apparently decided it was more efficient to just kick the folks lacking the paperwork than run that detour.
Paperwork isn’t just a bunch of squiggles. Presumably Nassau (the Capital) has the information available to actually fill out said paperwork (correctly) about the countries residents. I don’t see why Florida would have that information readily available.
Well one of them was this Dr. of Nothing. Very bad man. Lost both his hands to radiation poisoning.
Uhm... isn’t that the correct term once they’ve left the Bahama’s?
Reads like the Ferry company didn’t want to make the detour to Nassau to get the appropriate paperwork for the evacuees. Far more profitable to only take the folks that don’t need to go through Nassau.
Well, to be fair white (well English) people created the language of which the word racism is part, so it’s actually pretty easy for them to point to what the definition is, and say that something that doesn’t fit that definition isn’t racism. Doesn’t mean whatever that something is isn’t bad, but merely that it’s…
Uhm.. Then wouldn’t cutting rides actually slow down the hemorrhaging? They’re definitely not going to start paying more/giving more benefits, that’ll just speed it up (even more)
Because people with money tend to be able to afford to take steps to ensure their money isn’t simply taken away?
Problem is the same AI to recognize the artifacts is the same AI you plug in “in reverse” to train the AI to fix the artifacts.
That’s sort of the way I see it, it starts giving plausible deniability for ANYTHING that doesn’t have an iron clad chain of custody.
Biggest question:
Calling someone retarded isn’t like saying they have down syndrome. It simply means the person is slow. We should have never been insulting people with Down Syndrome to begin with by calling them retards, but I don’t see a single problem with saying it to someone that isnt disabled.
I don’t condemn people that use “retarded” any more than I condemn people that use the words stupid, idiot, or dumb.
Part of the question, I should think, is how much actual work the two did... or were expected to do at the time they were hired.
For what it’s worth though, Airlines aren’t actually limited by those restrictions. After a quick google search, turns out they most explicitly CAN ask about documentation, training documents, etc. They operate under the ACAA, not just ADA, and can ask the only question that really matters: Prove it.
Interesting, had to look that up. I guess I was under the impression that all the Caribbean countries were pretty much dirt poor, but at least according to Wiki, the Bahamas is the third wealthiest in the Americas. So yeah, they probably SHOULD be able to afford to assist their citizens.