Huh? I always park my car when I get gas.
Huh? I always park my car when I get gas.
I am currently level 13. Just taking the game slow as well. I don’t really understand the desire to speedrun through
this version ofthe game.
Because it’s still the best one out there?
Because it’s still the best one out there?
Sue their asses? From quick google search, the law in question seems to very specifically state “same sex”. Not “different race”. I don’t see where they have any protection in regards to the latter.
To be fair, airplanes are fascist dictatorships. You don’t GET to confront. Attendant tells you to do something, and you say no, they can and will have you thrown off the plane, no matter how polite your refusal was.
Probably because if those are the only questions you’re allowed to ask, they are completely pointless, as the person with the “service dog” can pretty much answer (1) Yes, and (2) whatever the heck they want. And not a bloody thing you can do to check/verify.
Was it an ACTUAL service animal, (seeing eye dog/etc.) or an “emotional support animal”?
My parents tried that, apparently read a book that suggested if your kids don’t eat what you serve at one meal, put it in the Fridge and just keep serving it until they are hungry enough to eat it.
bleh didn’t mean to submit
This comes down to one basic premise: Men don’t trust women’s judgment, honesty or integrity*.
Makes me curious how the test was biased. None of those read like things that are particularly prone to bias. Wonder if it’s more that PoC smart enough to do well on the test are smart enough to know they can do better than be a police officer.
Does getting the $10 also requires signing an affidavit stating that you are, in fact, a complete idiot?
“Taking the pitch” is a euphemism for something, right?
Or, you know, only making actual child porn illegal a few years ago (2016, I think?) after continued pressure from the U.N. didn’t do Japan any favors in that regard either... or the prevalence of schoolgirl cafe’s that are frequently VERY unsubtle fronts for under age prostitution.
Seems like THAT tradition would have ended at the first generation since, you know, no kids.
1. She wasn’t treated shittily. Maybe he was just pretending for the video, but he was extremely apologetic about it.
At what point does “speedrunning” become hacking the game to simply play the end movie on boot?” Or simply going to the end movie on youtube?
“(A) husband and wife need to be the same race. Same thing with kids. That’s how it’s been from the beginning of, how can I say, when God created the heaven and the earth. He created Adam and Eve at the same time. But as far as me being against blacks, no I’m not.”
Maybe I’m misremembering, but I seem to remember the issue technically wasn’t because they were failing to make the water from the river safe to drink, but they weren’t adding corrosion inhibitors, so the “safe at the plant” water ended up corroding the pipes between the plant and peoples homes, and leeching lead out…