
IIRC, the official explanation for that was that they are likely to be overqualified for the job, get bored, and move on to something more challenging. Thus wasting all the time/money/effort that went into training them.

Are you?

My guess is that most of the games on the cards ARE just that, games. This is just the one fatal game, which is presumably why none of the family have any real clue what to do either, nor experience with the weapons being utilized. It’s been decades, if not centuries, since somebody pulled that card.


The president also didn’t clarify whether he was referring to the United States or Israel

Spiked hair/mohawks rely on hair products that are far less accessible to somebody who is struggling to pay for food. And a poor mom giving her son a haircut probably doesn’t have the skill/time to shave in fancy designs.

I don’t know about THIS school, but the general explanation I’ve seen for stuff like this is about suppressing individuality and thereby displays of wealth. Harder to pick on Tommy McPoor for being poor if the rich kids clothing, coat, haircuts, whatever looks as basic as his. (i.e. same reason some schools have

It’s, (allegedly) the “carvings”. I guess the theory is they fill the carvings in with black, and somehow nobody will notice.

Not presenting all the information on a news story to make it significantly more inflammatory on the Root?

Am I missing something? Pratt is saying Misch shouldn’t be granted bail (or it should be higher) because, “My nephew was held without any evidence, without any witnesses, without any weapon for a whole year awaiting trial. Meanwhile, this guy is a known violent person. My thing is, why can’t we get the same kind of

Why on earth does anybody follow anybody/thing else on Twitter? If they’re announcing something important, it will be announced somewhere else too. If you have a question, call/e-mail/text them once and wait for a reply.

To be fair, they ARE hand selecting the initial recipients, so at least THEY are likely to pass it on... (and if they are well selected, most likely to other folks likely to do the same.)

Nah, I think it was more along the lines of “Many Americans are okay with/tolerant of many forms of racism. But fascism is pretty much universally abhorred. So if we frame the narrative such that the enemy are fascists and not just racists, we can get a lot more support (and, yes, get away with a lot more shit) than

Please. Removing the tats “to fit the description” is like complaining they had the lineup wear similar clothes, seeing as obscuring the tattoos with makeup is something that is trivially accomplished. Now if they actually edited the shape of the head/eyes/nose/mouth, I’d concede the point. But they didn’t.


A fleeing person poses no risk

So, you’re saying when you look at the full picture, it wasn’t a bunch of anti-racists using a hammer to attack some racists on a bus, it was a bunch of anti-racists attacking a bus with fists and other thrown weapons, some person on the bus attempts to defend himself/the bus with a hammer and is disarmed by the

antifa is a misnomer they call themselves.

Uh huh. And what makes YOU think the version on the right is the digital version of the photoshopped version, and not a scan of the printout they gave the witnesses/defense lawyer? (i.e. non-digital recreation)

“There is a wealth of data available on how monetization works in free-to-play games, and we ourselves have run tests by putting skins on sale in the store.”