

I’m a bit confused by these loot “out of 24" loot boxes, and having to collect the entire collection. Seems like you’d have to get REALLY lucky to collect the entire collection with just 24 boxes being available, and even then there would be no way to know you wouldn’t get it with less than 3500 coins?

you’re unfairly being asked to spend money

From what I understand, It isn’t specifically “until they marry” it’s “until they have a title”. Which is typically granted when they marry. (Though as I understand it there isn’t actually a requirement that they do so, merely tradition.) It’s possible to receive a title prior to that either via inheritance or

Just being pedantic, but the girl in question was, (from what I can determine via google) 17 at the time she (allegedly?) met Andrew. Which places her far past “pedophilia” territory, and even past “hebephilia” territory.

To be fair, according to quick google search, the age of consent in England is 16. And again from quick google search, she claimed she was first introduced to him at the age of 17 in London.


Sure, but I think somebody fuckin’ the devil is how we end up with the anti-christ.

Why not so many teeth?  AFAIK most animals (that don’t swallow food whole like snakes) have a lot of teeth.  Psuedo realistic mouth would look frickin’ weird if it was a couple of teeth and all gums.  (Who punched him and knocked all his teeth out?)


Check the linked article that shows the lineup photos. They were all similarly blown out. Presumably the police department involved doesn’t have a super high quality color printer.

You’re assuming they are consciously framing the guy, and don’t have a bunch of other evidence on him and simply think he covered his identifiable tattoos with makeup, and want to make sure this doesn’t come back to bite them when/if defense raises this point.

You’re assuming digital recreation for some reason. Maybe I’m misunderstanding, but it reads like the second picture was from a print out that was shown to the witnesses.

Yeah, ‘cause no bank robber with significant and unique facial tattoos would think to obscure them with makeup.


So, uhm, he’s upset by pointing a gun at somebody in the wake of the recent shootings. So, different weapon, different time it’d be cool to do a mock presidential assassination?

That doesn’t actually answer the question.

Read again. They don’t queue “as a group”. They simply queue at the same time via some form of verbal coordination (discord, skype, phone call, whatever.) The matchmaking service is apparently strictly first come first serve, so if they all queue up at more or less the same time they will all be right next to each

The $40 per bottle price tag?

To be fair.