
Probably because when a woman cheats on a man with a woman there’s no risk of having a baby and “messing up” succession, inheritance, etc. like there could be when she cheats on him with a man. Sleeping with a woman has far less significant potential consequences. (And then, of course, some people only consider


Trying to push through a crowd of idiots blocking a gate at 5mph isn’t attempted murder.  The only way somebody got hurt is if they punched the truck too hard and hurt their fist.

So, he’s saying we should have spent time in highschool, (maybe even college) acquiring actual marketable skills instead of 4th year English Lit?

(Significant) Tax (or other) Incentives for S. Koreans to move somewhere farther away from the border outside artillery range?
IMO, the standoff is only a standoff for as long as S. Koreans allow it to be.

The Air Force thinks the F-35A Joint Strike Fighter, with its stealth, sensors, and precision guided weapons, can take over for many of the F-35’s A-10's missions.

Not sure about “innocent and godly”, but the hard evidence (she shot him in the back of the head while he was in a sleeping position) makes an almost iron clad case for “intentionally murder”. My guess?

I’m not seeing where White CISGendered Christians are protected either. It would seem contractors of other faiths are perfectly free to discriminate against them. I don’t see anything preventing the muslim based cafeteria service hired to provide halal food from only hiring muslims to work in preparation of said halal

Company I work at says they’re planning on switching over from plastic water bottles in the soda machines to cans of water...

Atkins, however, “did not wish to partake” in the proposed slave/master role play and he became “verbally aggressive.” During the argument that ensued, the 37-year-old Atkins allegedly spit in Edwards’s face.

You’re only launching the thing when you REALLY want to fuck somebody up. You aren’t going to launch it, then have it hang out flying around the ocean spewing crap until you decide you want to fuck somebody up.

Staying in power.

Sure it is. Officers aren’t psychic. There is no way to know a person is unarmed (Well, I guess unless they have just searched them.) And the argument can be made, with some validity, that there is no such thing as an unarmed person in the first place. Even a basic level of martial arts, (or heck, luck) can result in

1. They got justice. They’re just pissed they didn’t get vengeance. i.e. the opportunity to see him suffer. I couldn’t care less that they didn’t get vengeance. IMO “Vengeance” is part of what they mean by “Cruel” in “Cruel and Unusual punishment”. “Cruel” isn’t just causes pain. It’s an EAGERNESS to cause pain. It’s

a. Disagree. I would have to argue the vast majority are precisely that. (Though obviously not EVERY one.)

He’s at least the second white supremacist this week to be arrested for plotting a mass shooting. Officials arrested a 23-year-old from Las Vegas last Thursday for allegedly planning to fire-bomb a synagogue, ABC News reports.

with one of those guards working “a fifth straight day of overtime.”

Define “random”.


Eh, some people have addictive personalities, some people simply aren’t very smart. Companies that utilize these types of mechanics are intentionally preying on both.