My head cannon has always been that part of force user fighting is more or less creating a force “shield” around themselves making themselves (and their lightsaber as long as it’s more or less in direct contact with them) immune to the force manipulation of others. Just have to assume that the farther from a person…
claimed in a 2016 deposition that Maxwell directed her to have sex with <snip> a “foreign president,”
It’s much easier to jerk out of a police officers hands and take off running during a moment of inattentiveness than it is to run off while tied to a 1 ton horse? This isn’t a leisurely walk in the park, this is bringing a detained suspect to the station.
And it matters because....?
Companies will only increase the grind and sell xp boosters if it works. If they increase the grind to unfun levels and people stop buying their games, they won’t make money on either the game OR the xp boosters.
But if he changes his name, the time he took moving all the game boxes out of the picture to get his name out with this viral tweet would be a complete waste of time.
I don’t get it. It doesn’t seem like there’s any way to really get up there in the pictures, nor would it be long enough to lie down in even if you could, so is the sole point of those popup structures a bit of head room? The amount of room though, particularly in the first picture, seems pretty excessive for that,…
Looking at the example here...
Softly served what?
It’s a far more fancy and inferior version of a basic ice cream sandwich. But instead of the absolutely delicious and soft chocolate “bread” you’d get on a normal ice cream sandwich, (IMO the best part), you get very hard oatmeal cookies that are more likely to simply squish the ice cream out the sides than actually…
The main commonality here is guns
“pro-life” isn’t about forcing women to have unwanted children. It’s about forcing women to only have wanted pregnancies. A woman 100% should have the right to choose what she does with her body. But that choice should be choosing not to get pregnant in the first place, and contraceptive technologies have gone quite a…
Seems a bit like an evolutionary path to the bottom.