
Like, if a cop is shot, someone like Clay Travis could say, “ah, I bet the culprit was black because statistically more cop-shootings are committed by black men,” and that doesn’t seem right to me.

Minor nitpick.

Eh, you can tell by the tire tracks that footage is the second take. See, in the first take, he lost control of his vehicle and drove right through the gates and is now in hell.

Interesting, reading the argument for why datamining in the U.S. is legal, it’s because, (generally?) you are voluntarily given the data.

Probably the definition of “Mass Shooter” being used. As has been pointed out elsewhere, if you use a straightforward “> 4 killed”, so that gang related shootings are no longer excluded, (as they are in most definitions of “mass shooting”,) the perpetrators become overwhelmingly black. (Which I’ll admit I hadn’t



Probably. I vaguely seem to remember reading that outside of the “New World”, (a.k.a. the two american continents) where it’s pretty much universal, just about the only country with Birthright Citizenship is Pakistan.


Wow. Joining that Union really did wonders for the Rioters.


I’d point out the obvious that these aren’t the number of violations committed, but the number of violations caught. Which could just mean the South African doping program is better at avoiding detection.

further perpetrate that stereotype that all black people are stupid ignorant drug loving fools.

I really really wish the whole phone=camera thing had never gotten started. Every time I buy a phone, (and my Note 4 is seriously due for an upgrade, starting to run into games that don’t run on it) I just know I’m spending hundreds for camera components I’ll almost never use, (and I have literally NEVER used a front

So, America then?  She got both her GED and an associate degree while in prison.

Filmed in Israel, Our Boys is based on the true events which led to the outbreak of war in Gaza.

It’s a terror attack.

Interesting how they’re still profitable as long as they rely on legalized piracy, whereas Blockbuster, which actually did share rental revenue with the movie folks, failed because they weren’t (surprisingly to me) being (legal) pirates.

Am I the only person that immediately assumed he’s was probably wearing a flag bandana somewhere?

Eh, religiously (perhaps) and emotionally married, just not legally.