
Yep, afaik a lot of other countries already have laws about disclosing gotcha odds. (I *think* china was one of the first?)  So most games have already been forced to disclose odds to be legal internationally.

Well, that’s a good first step...

Define “works”. Making ammo isn’t terribly difficult to do on your own, so there is no guarantee those folks who were prevented from buying ammo don’t have loaded guns. (I’m under the impression that most serious gun enthusiasts make their own ammo already, as ammo gets expensive, while the components aren’t

Well, I think the first question to be asked is whether the goal is to stop mass shootings or mass killings.

Because idiots assume everybody is speaking in absolutes when in reality that is rarely the case.

At the beginning of each round spectators receive 100 stars to wager, winning or losing stars based on the accuracy of their predictions.

No. Fascist bullshit would be a lack of a fair trial after you don’t resist arrest. (or if you do resist but survive.) There is no legal right to resist arrest. You resist arrest, the repercussions of said resistance are 100% on you. The place to fight is in the courtroom.

“And I do understand this —if it was a white man, I guarantee it wouldn’t have happened.”

Well, yeah. But it doesn’t really work to to make the total seem “omg alarming” when, as in the case with this article, the author has to specifically add in suicide deaths from handguns to an existing statistic, and thereby differentiating them as such. It merely makes him sound like an idiot trying to make the

It doesn’t read like Ana thought she was in any danger.  She just moved away and that was that.

I’m always curious why people want to lump in gun deaths by suicide. It seems to suggest that people would somehow decide not to commit suicide if they didn’t have access to a gun.

Trying to eliminate “actually” from my vocabulary, mostly speaking vocabulary. Adds nothing.

Didn’t realize BotW was the only game allowed to be “Anime”.

The problem isn’t that sick video games make people sick fucks.

Probably because media is finally learning that one of the big causes of shootings is people wanting their 15 minutes of fame. And not naming them deprives them of that fame. Experts have said for years that one of the best measures one can take to prevent that sort of mass shooting is by not naming the shooter.

Probably because there is nothing illegal about making such a list, nor is a mental health evaluation required before you are allowed to purchase a gun.

Of ‘course. 99% of vegetarians can eat beef.

My 2 cents?

Depending on your behavior, death will either end your run or have you escape cult capture and continue your playthrough, which adds some flexibility to proceedings.

AFAIK, simply being deceitful isn’t illegal. People don’t get arrested for lying on college admissions, they simply get kicked out. For lying to be actually be criminal requires using the lie to obtain property from the victim in some way. (i.e. lieing about the value of something your selling, and then running off