Wait, Wealthy Illinois students were pulling this for UIUC?
Wait, Wealthy Illinois students were pulling this for UIUC?
More theorizing than simple common sense.
Either way, it should be removed indoors.
Is as much a “black and white” picture as any comic book, or tv monitor, or television, or any some such entity using pixels that (probably) has some voids.
My biggest complaint is the same I have with safeways. Getting the wrong order. (Safeways is pretty bad about it, I’d guess half the time I end up with a whole bunch of extra stuff. I’ve learned though so go through it item by item before the delivery person has a chance to disappear.) I’ve only had the issue once…
Or they started pushing, realized they weren’t going to get very far, so gave up on pushing however far it was to their friends and instead just pushed it close enough to the nearest house to get enough charge to get to their friends?
I’d expect having a car that you just plug in when you get to work/home, (assuming even that is needed, are there wireless options available for the 3 yet?) instead of having to take a detour to a station every however many trips atrophies that behavior.
In April, Miami New Times revealed that sexual assault is the most reported crime on cruises
Your phone also doesn’t become extremely difficult and/or expensive to move once it dies.
Common sense would suggest they were probably coming to or from said friends house when the car stopped moving. The odds of it running out of juice exactly when they got to said friends house is minuscule.
*shrug* Probably depends on if he was simply upset about the car being there blocking the landscaping guy from being able to mow, or if he was upset about the $2 theft. If the former, once car is gone, problem solved.
I’d expect the cops would laugh if he pressed charges over $2 of stolen electricity. Going through the whole process sure as heck wouldn’t be worth MY time.
Wild, and from my perspective it’s no big deal. I’d probably rather have them just plug in and take a few bucks of electricity than wake me up by ringing my doorbell at 12am. (Though parking on the lawn is a bit much, but I guess the cord just couldn’t reach. Lawn’ll recover though.)
Everybody has a good chuckle, a new story to tell, and you may occasionally be teased about being 20?
I’ve often sort of wondered if a slower pitch would make it harder to hit the long ball. Less kinetic energy coming in, less kinetic energy going out.
If they don’t accept your card simply don’t have a non-alcoholic drink?
Apples to Oranges?
I assume getting paid to do drug tests is a lot more profitable if you just write up a form with random results and sign some doctor’s name to it without having to pay the doctor to actually run the test. (Which is how she was apparently caught. Dr’s like, I don’t remember doing this test...) I mean, if Elizabeth…
Probably because diluting your urine by drinking a lot of water is literally Plan A. to pass a urine test.
Eh the death penalty is barbaric, even for monsters such as this. I hope he dies after many years in a depressing solitary prison cell with only his thoughts. If anything, him killing himself is too quick of an out.