
Then apparently you’re just not introverted enough if you’d rather save money than not have to go out.

So, that explains why I’m not upset with my own body image after playing any of numerous games featuring an excessively athletic male character.

Why would an introvert be willing to leave their house for Pizza when there are so many delivery options available?

Darwin’s disappointed.

Eh, there are a lot of delivery services that don’t deal in cash (and have signs on vehicles/uniforms saying such) to keep their employees safe. If it’s a known fact that whatever service she works for doesn’t deal in cash, a mugger won’t target her in the first place, and thus won’t be disappointed when she can’t

AFAIK it’s essentially the same way restaurants work. If it’s good enough for restaurants, it’s good enough for them.

Forever 21 usually is marketed toward teenagers so it’s not too surprising that a normal sized adult woman would be a size XL by those standards.


I would be more inclined to argue it’s a modern trend to try to claim that racism is outcome not intent.

Eh, owning slaves 100% doesn’t make one racist. There have been many cultures throughout history that kept slaves of their own race, (though perhaps not culture) thereby negating any possible claim that slaveowner = racist.

Counterpoint: It’s a tool for self-motivation, not offensive. If you don’t feel the need for self-motivation to get into skinny jeans or whatever, don’t buy the plates for yourself.

Thinking about this some more, if these are plates you are buying, presumably for yourself, how are they “fat shaming”. They’re literally a motivational tool.

It’s been decades since I’ve eaten at a McDonald’s, but I was under the impression they actually started going fast-casual, with service at the table?  Tipping for that would seem somewhat appropriate?

What analysis? I’m saying it could have simply been a response to some folks at a rally they saw on T.V. holding signs saying “Ban meat, meat is murder!” or somesuch.

Well, to be “fair”.

I expect they don’t really consider jewish men to be particularly oppressed by jewish traditions...

I would assume they are against Vegans somehow illegalizing the production/consumption of meat. There are some that aren’t just “I don’t eat meat” but are also “You shouldn’t eat meat” either. Whether they believe it’s murder, (not unlike anti-abortionists), or because they are concerned about the climate change

There should have been a tiny circle in the middle saying “French food” and a larger circle saying “sauce for french food”.

Unlikely. The Galveston left service in ‘70. And was a guided missile cruiser. Cruises character was a Naval Aviator, (so no reason to be on a guided missile cruiser) likely in his mid 20's during the film which took place in the mid 80's. Unless he enlisted way early, he wasn’t on the Galveston. His Dad is the right

Any not-black woman trying to convince the world that she invented silk bonnets needs to have all of the hair on their body ingrown.