
And can you shove it up your...


Lot of streamers

and said death is ruled a homicide by an independent professional and yet, not only does the officer responsible remain unjailed but gainfully employed and defiant about their actions

Uhm, wouldn’t you mean not enough? I’m saying they’re probably too lazy/clueless to bother digging into whether some agent selling a house is somebody they should be hateful towards.

It does if the booth says we can throw a bunch of scraps together for you for $15 and the customer, not wanting to wait through a different line, says “yes”.

numbered between four and six (exclusive)

I would assume it’s because the background check they run on you using all the various paperwork you provide indicates you aren’t a likely security threat. The interview is presumably just making sure the person whose biometrics they are grabbing is actually the person the paperwork is about.

Uhm, from reading the article it sounds like this “meal” was makeshift scraps as the booth was basically sold out but the buyers didn’t want to wait through a different line. Seems like a great deal for the business. There’s no incentive here for the business to cut any deal. It’s simply a stupid purchase on the part

I’m curious by what stretch of logic somebody would assume that spray paint on a for sale sign saying “No whatever” is directed at the agent selling the house? Seems like it’s clearly targetting either the current owners (if they are “whatever”), or, more likely, prospective owners. Seems doubtful to me that whoever

No. He’s clearly (but incorrectly) blaming the company. The company would have been the entity responsible for creating a situation where their employees are getting burned to death because they were unable to flee due to the stress of being overworked. Which in turn suggests that if the company is that shitty there

Well, yes. “Cook times” are entirely irrelevant for microwave meals.  A microwave meal that takes “10 minutes” in the microwave only takes maybe 10 seconds of my time, which is what I pretty obviously care about. With the microwave you don’t have to preheat the oven and then come back when it’s ready to avoid wasting

Because you’re spending 10 seconds and getting food instead of 10 minutes and getting food?

but shows that he was targeting these duly-elected congresswomen for one reason:

None that I’m aware of. For most of the ones I know it’s entirely about policy. They may think the guy is loathsome, despicable, etc. But at least his policy is (allegedly) “Moral”.

I’m not sure how a video showing they were chummy 27 years ago even pretends to disprove the statement that they have long since parted ways. Or that he hasn’t seen him at all in 10 or 15 years.

Seeing as the person that draws last dies, that seems like a questionable training pattern.

I find the reasons why we distinguish the two to be, at best, antiquated.

Funny. One of the first things I did with my “wireless” Logitech mouse was plug it in and remove the battery.