
I would argue it all comes down to who actually has the authority in the situation.

What the fuck do they think will happen here.?

I wouldn’t expect it to be a law that restaurants have to state the price of every item on the menu when it’s trivially easy to just ask.

War for Cybertron Unicorn is even bigger in planet form

One may argue that an armed person continuing to enter a “no firearms” zone after being told they can’t enter with said firearm is by nature a threat.

I’ll admit to not having clicked the link to go to the site with the video, but the description here does say that the rent-a-cop did precisely that. Told the officer he couldn’t come in with the gun, and he should just leave it in the car or something. He only drew when the officer refused. And no, I don’t expect a

I’ve always assumed the people that seem to want to place them everywhere DO worship dicks.

This seems like a whole lot of work to do something pretty easy?

Some commenters have speculated that the Honda may have been speeding, but the truth is we really don’t know, and, even so, running the stop sign was what caused this to happen at all.

We here at The Takeout advocate following copyright laws, but mostly, agree that “I Want To Dance With Somebody” is a total banger.

Eh. I’m less concerned with where their hands are than where their heads are. Getting somebody killed because you are distracted doesn’t require having your hands off the wheel. Numerous studies have shown, for instance, that talking on a hands free device is every bit as dangerously distracting as talking on a hand

I just cannot fathom the mentality that some men have, that it’s not only “okay” but “actually really cool and not at all disgusting,” to treat women this way.

Sounds like somebody is well on the way to compromising her own immune system and dying from some disease that should be easily resisted.

That should be the legal remedy to falsification of evidence.

1. I was under the impression based on the allegations that he had a crop of local girls in both cities, he wasn’t bringing them with him.

I’d hope if he got something in exchange


My take:

Eh, I kind of see the lawyers point:

I think their argument is because he didn’t sell the girls, it isn’t trafficking. It may be statutory rape, it may be paying for sex, but it isn’t trafficking. They aren’t saying what he did is O.k. They’re simply saying it isn’t trafficking.