I think trying him as an adult helps other young women not be victimized when other young men think twice about doing so. Whereas a slap on the wrist like this essentially declares open season on other young women.
I think trying him as an adult helps other young women not be victimized when other young men think twice about doing so. Whereas a slap on the wrist like this essentially declares open season on other young women.
So for example, shoplifting or petty vandalism, they might still try a 16 year old as a kid as they recognize that most teenager brains may not have developed enough to recognize that as wrong yet.
From the linked article...
What about them? There were *surprise surprise* far less people in the two years before that so we weren’t seeing this massive overcrowding?
And that’s the problem. “More fucking ICE” is exactly what is needed. It’s the ICE facilities that are overcrowded as all fuck creating a good chunk of this problem.
Huh? Seems like there already is accountability for standard of living. (Hence the very report in question, as well as all the alarm bells sounding that there was imminent danger of overcrowding before it got this bad.). Why waste money that could go to improving conditions into additional (and apparently superfluous) …
Fwiw, those aren’t the detention centers. Or at least, they aren’t supposed to be. Those are the short term holding areas used while waiting for transport to the detention centers. So it shouldn’t come as too big a surprise that they don’t have the sort of facilities required for long term habitation. (beds, showers,…
The report sort of addresses this:
Well, there’s really only so many ways you’d expect a holding area that’s severely over capacity to look, regardless of what part of the world it’s located in.
That’s funny. You’ve exactly described the camps the US is currently using to hold children.
You’ve also described the typical refugee camp.
Although throwing them at Proud Boys (cough, I can’t believe that name... SMH) def not a crime.
Attacking seems a bit of an exaggeration. He’s subdueing/detaining.
My guess is it’s phrased for maximum impact, (due to either ignorance or deliberate spin) while not *quit* being an outright lie.
My money is on accusations that she is lying, and/or spinning the truth. Preferably phrased in such a way as to make her seem like a clueless idiot.
Just replace “antifa” with “antiracist” whenever you hear it. By and large that’s what’s actually being meant.
People on his stream were literally telling him as it happened. You’re trolling.
Honda claims it will cut grass as quickly as 50 mph