Seems like the question should be *why* are they unbanked... and then fix that issue.
Seems like the question should be *why* are they unbanked... and then fix that issue.
Because, apparently, debates influence elections less than feared? Maybe America has gotten tired of electing people who would make good used car salespeople, but have no qualifications as leaders?
Uhm Yeah? That is sort of how self defense works. If somebody violently attacks you you are under no obligation to allow them the opportunity to give you a serious or fatal injury simply because your best chance at successfully defending yourself happens to be a gun.
Nope. The shooter realized she was under serious threat of injury or death and took appropriate steps to keep herself safe by attempting to neutralize her attacker in the best method available to her.
I would assume it depends on how far away she is when the pregnant woman starts attacking, how fast she realizes shes under attack, and how encumbered she is by purchases. This isn’t a footrace where they both start when the judge fires the starter. From the sounds of it, it’s more an ambush. In order to (safely) outru…
Uhm, yes?
And yet it’s apparently an accurate statistic, in spite of your unwillingness to believe it.
It does. Presumably the poster just has no faith in public attorneys.
Assuming we’re talking about Loughlin vs Huffman, I assume it’s harder to claim “I didn’t know you were simply going to fake the SAT scores, I thought you were going to do magical tutoring that doesn’t require any actual tutoring sessions”, than it is to claim, “I didn’t know he was going to bribe the coach, I thought…
Not knowing how Singer intended to accomplish the task is, indeed, a legal defense. It might not work, because $500k seems a bit steep for SAT prep
I think you’re misunderstanding what they are claiming they didn’t know.
Nope. They have her on tape saying “uhmhmm” to his statement saying the foundation was being audited, and the IRS may be calling about that, but don’t worry, he didn’t tell anybody that they got in through crew even though they weren’t on crew.
139. On or about October 25, 2018, Singer called GIANNULLI from Boston, Massachusetts. During that call, Singer told GIANNULLI: “Donna called me couple weeks ago and says, ‘Hey, uh,’ you know, ‘going forward, can you use the same format you used for [the GIANNULLIS’ older daughter] and [their younger daughter], and…
Ignorance of the law - especially for crimes that rob other people of *earned* opportunity - is no excuse.
What’s the slippery slope? Throwing a drink at somebody is literally a textbook example of assault. Doesn’t have to be acid in there or not.
We don’t. “Gender” is a pointless identifier which is why sex has been used for millenia. And should be what is STILL used.
Counterpoint: It’s using the actual scientific term gender not the “progressive” modern version:
How so? I’m not saying she doesn’t have a right to renege on the “show me yours I’ll show you mine”.
Hmm, I think I’d like some proof the conversation started when she seems to have said it did.